12 Remarkable Quotes That Will Make You Have a Positive Attitude towards Difficulties

Last Updated on January 15, 2019 by The Unbounded Thinker

I dedicate this article to anyone facing extreme difficulties/hardships. I felt I must share with you the following 12 quotes which I believe will make you have a positive perception towards your difficulties.

  1. Life is designed to be a story of achievement in spite of adversity – Jim Rohn, Seasons of Life.
  2. The mere fact that you have obstacles to overcome is in your favour because those who have no obstacles have nothing to awaken the SPIRIT in them – Robert Collier, Secret of Ages.
  3. You rise above difficulties if you come to the realization that what is happening in your life is temporary, and will always be changing – Anthony Roberts, Beyond Positive Thinking.
  4. Man was created with a spirit that has the capacity to accomplish great things, but you may fail to realize your dreams if you don’t recognize that hard times are stepping stones towards greatness – Anonymous.
  5. No man can be confronted with a difficulty which he has no strength to meet – James Allen, Byway to Blessedness.
  6. Difficulty is a call for unused energy, demanding the use of latent power and hidden resources. It’s, therefore, a good angel, a friend, and a teacher because if calmly listened to, it leads to larger blessedness and wisdom – James Allen, Byway to Blessedness.
  7. No situation is difficult in itself, it is the lack of understanding and wisdom in dealing with a situation that gives rise to difficulty – James Allen, Byway to Blessedness
  8. The severity of your problem is just a matter of perspective – Ernie Zelinski, 101 Really Important Things That You Already Know but Keep Forgetting.
  9. Life is difficult more often than it isn’t. To live means to face difficulties. It’s what you learn from these difficulties that matters – Sigmund Brouwer, Devil’s Pass.
  10. The very circumstances in life that seem heartbreaking evils will turn to joy if you steadfastly refuse to see anything but the Creator/God in them – Emily Cady, Lessons in Truth.
  11. It is when you are going through your most difficult learning experiences that you must draw on your ability to control your mind and have faith that the difficulty you face is simply part of the process that will bring you through to your goal –Brian Tracy, Maximum Achievement
  12. Whenever The Creator wants to send you a gift, he wraps it up in a problem. The bigger the problem, the bigger the gift – Norman Vincent Pearl


*Consider it all joy my brothers, when you face all kinds of trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing- Saint Paul, The Bible.

Which of the above quotes had a large impact on you?

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Photography – @simplykech – +254735891691


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