15 Incredible Quotes On Intuition

15 Incredible Quotes On Intuition

Last Updated on August 30, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

What is Intuition

Intuition, also known as the sixth sense, is our connection to Infinite Intelligence/God/Source Energy. It enables us to make the right decisions without relying on reason. This year, I gathered various quotes on intuition from mystics, spiritualists, and personal development teachers after becoming obsessed with understanding this sacred gift on a deeper level.

Enjoy These Incredible Quotes on Intuition

  1. “Intuition is the spark, or gateway to higher knowing and to living a fulfilled, flowing, effortless and peaceful life.” –The Five Pillars of Intuition, Azriel Reshel.
  2. “Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all people are connected, and we are able to know everything because it’s all written there.” – The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
  3. “Some suggest that as contemporary man increasingly relies more on technology for his understanding of the world, his intuition atrophies as a result.” – The Sense that Defies the Physical, Leonardo Vintini
  4. “We imagine we’ll lose something by following our intuition. But have you ever taken a look at what you have lost by not following your intuition? Whatever your intuition is telling you is what you need to hear. As you learn to trust it more and more, it will reveal exactly what you need to do at any given moment.” – Beyond Positive Thinking, Robert. N. Anthony
  5. “Intuition is like a secret, inner jetpack that helps you make quantum leaps in your life, a map that reveals the shortcuts, opens up the pathway and holds the keys to your happiness.” – Azriel Reshel.
  6. “Intuition is the highest rung of the ladder of consciousness.”- Osho
  7. If you really want to get in touch with who you are and what you love to do, and who you love to do it with, dedicate some time to tuning into your intuition.’ – You Are a Badass, Jen Sincero
  8. “Intuition can be thought of as our collective unconscious, gut feeling, divine selves, or whatever you want to call it. This guide comes from a spiritual level, from our souls, and brings us immense wisdom and insight if we listen to it carefully.” – Mateo Sol
  9. “Pay attention to your intuition, your gut. When you set a goal that contradicts your values, something inside will twinge. Pay attention.” – Mitch Meyerson, Success Secrets of Online Marketing Superstars.
  10. “Intuitive Intelligence lies beyond the boundaries of science and analytics. It bridges the realms of reality and imagination, reason and instinct, material and spiritual dimensions of human existence.” – Definition: What is Intuitive Intelligence, Francis
  11. “One of the greatest tools we have is our intuition. It is an innate knowledge that we all possess, a knowledge that is connected to divinity and love. It is the voice of our higher self, communicating with us from a higher plane of frequency.” – Learning to Trust Your Intuition & Inner Guidance, Jeff Roberts.
  12. “Intuition is not a different level of perception. Intuition is only a different dimension of computing. For example, to find out which day of the week the June 1 will fall on, you would take out a piece of paper and a pen and start calculating. It may take 8 to 10 steps, but if you are intuitive, you will not go through these steps. You will just arrive at the answer.” –  Jaggi Vasudev.
  13. “Intuition is the guidance provided by the Intelligent Life Force within.’ – Isaac Wechuli
  14. “Intuition is a direct knowing that comes when you are in the present moment.” – Penney Peirce
  15. “Intuition, is a voice of wisdom that arises within your being, that is your potential, your inner guide.” – Ancient, Infinite Wisdom: Old Souls and Intuition, Mateo Sol

I believe you enjoyed these amazing quotes on intuition. You can check out my article: five important facts on intuition, for more enlightening information about this sacred gift.

The End.

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