Last Updated on April 3, 2022 by The Unbounded Thinker
In his Book, You Were Born Rich, Bob Proctor enlightens you that you can achieve whatever you want. He also provides various techniques you can implement to achieve your goals.
I noted down 16 powerful and impressive quotes from the book
- ‘We are floating in an ‘ocean’ of thought energy, where all the knowledge there ever was or ever will be, is present. We are also surrounded by abundance. Indeed, everywhere we look in nature, our eyes come in contact with abundance; for nature knows no such thing as failure.’ – Bob Proctor.
- ‘Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible.’ – Bob Proctor.
- ‘Faith is the connecting link between God and You, and therefore, it is your most valuable non-physical possession.’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘Once you become aware of your kinship with the creative power, that you are in truth a child of spirit, you cannot possibly be anything other than positive, forceful, radiant and self-reliant in your dealings with the world.’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘Gaining the understanding that you are made in the image of the Creator of the Universe – and you are a living part of eternal spirit – will ultimately transform the results that you are achieving in your life every day’ – Bob Proctor.
- ‘Most people who fail to accumulate enough money to live the lifestyle they want are the same people who are most easily influenced by other people’s opinions.’ – Bob Proctor.
- ‘If you want to have money, one thing you should never, never do, is worry about whether or not you will get the money you desire, or whether you will keep it.’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘’You must come to look upon God as a great unseen provider who inhabits every fibre of your being and you must also understand that the instant you form the image in your mind, God will go to work in God’s perfect way and move you into an entirely new vibration’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘Doubts, fears, pessimism, and negative thinking poison the very source of life. They sap energy, enthusiasm, ambition, hope, faith, and everything else which makes life purposeful, joyful and creative.’ – Bob Proctor.
- ‘Many of the world’s greatest leaders were considered heretics by their peers, simply because they chose to ‘march to the tune of a different drummer!’ These individuals were following the quiet voice within them’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘I believe you already understand you cannot have wealth in your material world until you have first visualized the wealth in your mind. But what does this really mean? It means that before any of us can even begin to overcome the poverty which surrounds us in our external world, we must first conquer the impoverishment that is buried deep within ourselves.’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘This is an orderly universe; nothing happens by accident. The images which you plant in your marvelous mind instantly set up an attractive force, which governs your results in life.’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘You must become a risk-taker for you to develop the greatness you were born with.’ – Bob Proctor.
- Please understand, you can never give too much of anything. Nevertheless, when you do give, fully expect to receive something in return. Very rarely will you receive from that source, to which you gave. But, receive you must, just surely as rain must fall when two clouds collide.’ – Bob Proctor
- ‘God never expresses Himself other than perfectly. Therefore, whatever imperfection that does exist, it is always the result of our individual or collective modes of thinking.’- Bob Proctor.
- ‘Your desire is the motor power which will move you in the direction of your dream and expectation is the attractive force that will move your dream in your direction.’ – Bob Proctor.
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