Last Updated on June 7, 2020 by The Unbounded Thinker
Rumour has it that most Silicon Valley billionaires read Charles Haanel’s book, The Master Key System. Some people even claim that Bill Gates read the book before dropping out of Harvard.
These claims encouraged me to buy the book, and I was glad I did so.
The book explores the power of thought, and how your thoughts determine your life. As well, it teaches how to attract wealth and health, and explains how bad thoughts can attract undesirable conditions.
The book is inspiring and spiritual. It shows you that your destiny is in your hands and that you are a spiritual being that is connected to the Supreme Intelligence that created the earth.
I gathered 18 eye-opening quotes from the book.
- ‘If your thought is weak, critical, destructive and negative generally, it will manifest in your body as fear, worry, and nervousness, in your finances as lack and limitation, and as discordant conditions in your environment.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘Fear is a powerful form of thought. It paralyzes the nerve centers, affecting the circulation of the blood. This, in turn, paralyzes the muscular system, so that fear affects the entire being, body, brain, and nerve, physical, mental, and muscular.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘If you wish to eliminate fear, concentrate on courage, If you wish to eliminate lack, concentrate on abundance, and if you wish to eliminate disease, concentrate on health.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘Every obstacle conquered and every victory gained will give you more faith in your power, and you will have the ability to win. Your strength is determined by your mental attitude; if this attitude is one of success, and is permanently held with an unswerving purpose, you will attract to you from the invisible domain the things you silently demand.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘Intuition usually comes in silence. Great minds seek solitude frequently. It is here that all the larger problems of life are worked out.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘If you concentrate on some matter of importance, the intuitive power will be set in operation, and help will come in the nature of the information which will lead to success.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘He who is wise enough to understand will readily recognize that the creative power of thought places an invincible weapon in his hands and makes him a master of his destiny.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘All conditions and experiences that come to us do so for our benefit. Difficulties and obstacles will continue to come until we absorb their wisdom and gather from them the essentials of further growth.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘If we wish to express abundance in our lives, we can afford to think abundance only. Thought is the only reality: conditions are but the outward manifestations; as the thought changes, all outward or material conditions must change in order to be in harmony with their creator, which is thought.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘The objective world is controlled by an unseen and heretofore unexplainable power. We have until now personalized this power and called it God.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘Every man is a reflection of the thoughts he has entertained during his lifetime.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘Thought is a spiritual activity and is therefore creative, but make no mistake, thought will create nothing unless it is consciously, systematically, and constructively directed; and herein is the difference between idle thinking, which is simply a dissipation of effort, and constructive thinking, which means practically unlimited achievement.’- Charles Haanel
- ‘Successful men make it their business to hold ideals of the conditions which they wish to realize. They constantly hold in mind the next step necessary to the ideal for which they are striving. Thoughts are materials with which they build, and the imagination is their mental workshop. Mind is the ever moving force with which they secure the persons and circumstances necessary to build their success structure, and imagination is the matrix in which all great things are fashioned.’ – Charles Haanel-
- ‘Real power comes from within. All power that anybody can possibly use is within man, only waiting to be brought into visibility by his first recognizing it, and then affirming it as his, working it into consciousness until he becomes one with it.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘You cannot entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong, and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of positive, creative thought.’- Charles Haanel
- ‘Come to the realization of the fact that there can be no failure in the accomplishment of any proper object in life if you but understand your power and persist in your object, because the mind forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will, in the effort to crystallize thought and desire into actions, events, and conditions.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘When the mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ of defeat is in every selfish thought.’ – Charles Haanel
- ‘If you do not intend to do a thing, do not start; if you do start, see it through even if the heavens fall; if you make up your mind to do something, do it; let nothing, no one, interfere; the ‘I’ in you has determined, the thing is settled; the die is cast, there is no longer any argument.’ – Charles Haanel
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