21 Remarkable Quotes for Entrepreneurs from M.J Demarco’s Book: Millionaire Fastlane.

Last Updated on February 16, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime, is the perfect book for anyone who wants to be young and rich. In the book, Demarco shares all the teachings every aspiring entrepreneur needs. He also pinpoints the types of businesses you need to start if you want to make millions, and he identifies the best and poorest roadmaps to millionairehood.

The book has enlightening advice about success that you must know. You will wish to be your own boss after reading it.

I noted down a few nuggets of wisdom from the book for you, and I believe you’ll learn much from them.

Here are they:

  1. ‘If you want to make millions, you must impact millions.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘You cannot choose to persevere with one choice. You cannot wake up one day and say, ‘Oh today I will choose to persevere. It must happen every day, not once.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘What if I told you, ‘insane’ was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the dignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time. Wouldn’t you consider that to be insane?’ – Steve Buscemi
  1. ‘Experience comes from what you do in life, not from what you do in a job. You don’t need a job to get experience.’ – Mj Demarco
  1. ‘When you own your decisions, something miraculous happens. Failure doesn’t become the badge of victimhood – it becomes wisdom.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. Hard work/Process creates events others see as luck.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable.’ – Clare/Boothe Luce
  1. ‘The problem with accepted norms of retirement is what you do not see. You don’t see youth, you don’t see fun, and you don’t see the realization of dreams.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘Wealth creation for a Fastlane entrepreneur operates under an exponential scale –those who hold jobs operate under a linear scale.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘If you can’t immunize yourself from the temptations of instant gratification, you’ll be hard-pressed to find success in either health or wealth. Both demand a lifestyle shift from short-term thinking (instant gratification) to long-term thinking (delayed gratification). This is the only defense to lifestyle servitude.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘Your pursuit of wealth stalls when your focus is the road and its destination, and not the road trip.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘Expect a price to be paid. Expect risk and sacrifice. Expect bumps in the road. When you hit the first pothole (and yes, it will happen) know that you are forging the process of your unfolding story.’ -MJ Demarco
  1. ‘If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know if you get there? If your destination is undefined, undoubtedly you’ll never arrive and you’ll likely end in a place you don’t want to be. Wealth is found with a roadmap, not a dartboard.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘If the roadtrip to wealth were easy, wouldn’t everyone be wealthy.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘Self-made millionaires don’t become millionaires by stumbling into money, just as financial failures don’t become failures by stumbling into poorness. Both are the direct result of the financial roadmap chosen and the actions and beliefs that evolve from that roadmap.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘The problem with looking wealthy versus being wealthy is that the former is easy while the latter is not.’ -Mj Demarco
  1. ‘Opportunity drives through your neighborhood frequently, and when it does, you have to grab that bitch. Evaluate the risk and take action. Unfortunately, opportunity doesn’t care about your timing. Opportunity doesn’t care about your circumstances, your broken-down car, or your life’s turmoil. It comes and goes of its own will, has a mind of its own, and it’s blind to predicaments. Opportunity comes dressed as changes and challenges. Remember, change makes millionaires.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘Thinking never made anyone rich, unless that thinking manifests itself into consistent action.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘If you retrace poverty’s footprints you will find that poorness starts at the exact same place. choice.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘Determination is not a solitary choice but thousands of them. You cannot decide to be determined, it must occur repeatedly, concertedly, and with commitment.’ – MJ Demarco
  1. ‘The fabric of your life is sewn by the cumulative consequences of your choices – millions of them that set you into motion. You act, react, believe, disbelieve, perceive, misperceive, and all of it engineers your existence. If you’re dissatisfied with life, your choices take full responsibility. Blame yourself and the choices you’ve made. Yes, you are as you have chosen.’ – MJ Demarco

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