Last Updated on December 3, 2018 by The Unbounded Thinker
Robert Kiyosaki, best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad, is a speaker, author, and businessman. He has invested in the retail, mining, publishing, and the real-estate industry, and he has a net worth of over $80 million.
Robert Kiyosaki loves providing enlightening advice to entrepreneurs and he mostly encourages people to build businesses instead of working for someone. Here are some of his powerful quotes I believe you’ll love if you are planning to be a successful entrepreneur.
- “Too many people are programmed in school that you must know all the answers. So they are afraid of looking stupid. The key to success is being stupid and you’ll get smarter.”
- “I noticed that people really do shape their lives through their thoughts.”
- “An entrepreneur’s first job is to control the inside, not outside.”
- “Bucky Fuller said you always have to look at the big picture. Too many people look at, ‘well what’s gonna happen to me.’ When you look at the big picture you’re also gonna know that when something bad happens something good’s gonna happen.”
- “Your brain can be your most powerful asset, or it can be your most powerful liability. If you use the right words in your brain, you will become very rich. If you use the wrong words, your brain will make you poor.”
- ‘Entrepreneurs have one thing in common. They keep going.”
- “At school, they teach that if you make a mistake or if you fail you are a failure, but that’s not real life. A baby learns to walk by standing up and falling down.”
- “It really doesn’t matter where you start, just start.”
- “When you don’t have this paycheck, you get hungrier, smarter, and it’s a test of your character.”
- “If you are smart you have money, if you are stupid you don’t have money.”
- If you are afraid of making mistakes, get a job, you’ll do very well there.”
- “I noticed that my poor dad was poor not because of the amount of money he earned, which was significant, but because of his thoughts and actions.”
- “Most people never see opportunities because they are busy looking for money and security.”
- “Rich dad believed in dreaming big, trying new things, and making small mistakes.”
- “A plan is a bridge to your dreams.”
- “Every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor or middle class.”
- “Often, in the real world, it’s not the smart that get ahead, but the bold.”
- “You can become rich beyond your wildest dreams.”
- “The biggest challenge you have is to challenge your own self-doubt and your laziness. It is your self-doubt and your laziness that define and limit who you are.”
- “If you’re working hard physically and not getting ahead financially, then you are probably someone’s else’s leverage.”
- “Your future is what you do today, regardless of your dreams.”
- “If you cannot be trusted with small agreements, people will not help you make your big dreams come true.”
- “If you know how to build businesses and invest money, you can make so much money that your problem will be too much money.”