Last Updated on May 9, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
Osho was a mystic who loved sharing life-changing spiritual teachings with his audience. Many people love his teachings because they are enlightening. You must grab some of his books if you are hungry for deep spiritual knowledge. I love reading his books and watching his videos.
Here are 26 enlightening quotes I gathered from his teachings.
- ‘He is religious who knows that universal forces are at work and there is no hurry – that his hurry is of no use. If we can only be one with the universal harmony, it is enough – and it is blissful.’
- ‘Always listen to your body. It whispers, it never shouts, because it cannot shout. Only in whispering, it gives you messages. If you are alert, you will be able to understand it. And the body has a wisdom of its own which is very much deeper than the mind.’
- ‘So a man of understanding accepts all and tries to find how to use everything creatively.’
- ‘Don’t have any ideas about life. Let life have its own. You just go with it. Whatsoever happens is good. That should be the attitude. Say ‘yes’ whatsoever happens. What else can one do? Be a total ‘yes.’ Then there is no confusion, no conflict, because you are not moving up-current. Just float with the stream.’
- ‘The future always remains beyond our power, that’s why it is the future. It simply means that nothing can be done about it right now because it is not yet. All that you can do, you can only do with the present. With the past you cannot do anything; it is gone.’
- ‘Painting or poetry, dancing or singing or whatsoever, if a person has a certain talent, it is futile to work somewhere else.
- ‘If you don’t like anything, whatsoever it is, to remain in it even for a single moment is suicidal. Then whatsoever the risk, come out of it.’
- ‘Love opens doors to the milky way. Love is the bridge between earth and heaven, between man and god. Let love be your only law: there is no higher truth. If a man can love, then nothing else is needed: that will transform.’
- ‘Critical mind is an absolute necessity if you are working on a scientific project. But the critical mind is an absolute barrier if you are trying to reach your interiority.’
- ‘It is not really anger. Only on the surface does it look like anger. Deep in your being, you are so full of energy that you don’t know what to do with it; that’s why it takes the form of anger. You have great creative potential. It is creative energy which is not being rightly used; it becomes sour.’
- ‘Just look at the world! Whosoever created it or dreamed it, must be a great dreamer…so many colors and so many songs. The whole existence is a rainbow. It must come out of deep imagination.’
- ‘Tomorrow is open. Anything is possible….and everything is possible. So live this moment as totally as possible, that’s all, don’t be worried about the future; everything is taken care of.’
- ‘Once we have a glimpse of God, then God alone is, nothing else. But that glimpse will only be possible only when everything within us is still and quiet. And there is no question.’
- ‘Imagination is going to be your oath, so never deny imagination. It is the only creative faculty in man, the only poetic faculty, and one should not deny it.’
- ‘Life is always at the beginning, always. Wherever you are, it is always at the beginning. That’s why life is so beautiful, young, fresh.’
- ‘If you start liking that which is happening, if you don’t put your own will against the whole, if you simply say okay, whatsoever happens you simply say ‘yes,’ then you can never be miserable, because whatsoever happens, you are always in a positive attitude ready to receive it and enjoy it. If it goes just according to your nature, very good. If it sometimes goes against your nature, you take it as part of growth. If it is pleasure, good. If it is pain you accept it as a price to be paid for all the pleasures that are available in the world, the cost to be paid.’
- ‘Things are as they should be. They have always been that way. Existence is going so smoothly. Look at the stars and the birds and rivers. Things are going so smoothly. There seems to be no problem. All problems exist in man and in the mind of man, and the problems created, manufactured by man.’
- ‘Trust always, that everything is going to happen, and that it’s going to be good. Your trust will make it so. Trust is not simply trust- it is a creative force. When you trust things start happening accordingly.’
- ‘Remain flexible and spontaneous, and never be afraid of committing a mistake. If you are too much afraid of committing a mistake, nothing can be done. One has to make mistakes – that’s the way one learns.’
- ‘Whatsoever you do, just do it as totally as possible. Everything should be done in such a relaxed way that there is no effort in it.’
- ‘We pay attention, more attention, to the very trivial things – a big house, money, prestige, respectability – but we never think about life and its intrinsic value. Everything else is just trivial in comparison to life. So the greatest blessing has already happened. By being alive one has already been accepted by God, and has already been presented with a great gift. By being alive you have already been loved by the universe.’
- ‘Deep down, whatsoever you want to be that’s what you become. Thoughts become objects; thoughts become happenings, thoughts create your personality. Essentially we alone are responsible for the way we live, and the level which we live.’
- ‘Listen to your heart, and whatsoever is there bring it out.’
- ‘If you trust, your trust will fulfill itself.’
- ‘This is my observation – that life goes on helping you, giving you whatsoever you ask.’
- ‘What I am saying is that right now you can enjoy life, there is no need to postpone. Only this moment is certain because it has already arrived. You can drink out of it as much as you want, as deeply as you want. It is available to you – this, moment you are wasting in struggling, in tensing yourself. Relax.’
Which of the above quotes do you believe is the most enlightening?