35 More Harsh Realities You Need to Accept Right Away – Part 2

35 More Harsh Realities You Need to Accept Right Away – Part 2

Last Updated on September 15, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

Last week, I shared the 35 Harsh Realities You Need to Accept Right Now. Today I’ll share more harsh realities you have to accept.’

  1. ‘Life is hard, but compared to what?’
  2. ‘You’ll never make a difference if you are not different.’
  3. ‘You’ll never attain fulfillment if you work at a job you hate.’
  4. ‘Trusting the Creator eliminates anxiety and worry.
  5. ‘Happiness comes when you don’t chase it.’
  6. ‘Be happy when you are alive because you’ll be dead for a long period.’
  7. ‘You’ll never understand God completely even if you pray, meditate, and study spiritual books every second.’
  8. ‘Positive emotions and feelings come from within, while negative emotions and feelings come from without.’
  9. ‘Jealousy prevents happiness and peace of mind because it leads to competition, hatred, and anger,’
  10. ‘Envy arises when you think someone is happier than you.’
  11. ‘You only find happiness when you are content with what you have.’
  12. ‘There is no shortcut to anything worth having.’
  13. ‘Most of us will never live the life of our dreams because we lack courage.’
  14. ‘A billion dollars cannot afford what friendship can buy.’
  15. ‘No matter how much you plan, things can still go wrong.’
  16. ‘People won’t be impressed if you struggle to impress them.’
  17. ‘Nothing will change if you think the same thoughts every day.’
  18. ‘You can’t create a new personal reality if you don’t change your personality.’
  19. ‘Your content is not interesting if you have few views on your blog or vlog.
  20. ‘How you make money is more important than how much you make.’
  21. ‘If you act like everybody else, nothing special will happen to you.’
  22. ‘When someone betrays you, there is a 99% chance that he will do so again.’
  23. ‘If you become too generous, people will believe your good deeds are their rights.’
  24. ‘Stop talking about your problems. Few people care. Most people have many problems to care about.’
  25. ‘Life has never been and will never be fair.’
  26. ‘Every opinion has a grain of truth.’
  27. ‘Nature is the only reliable word of God.’
  28. ‘Nothing will change in your life if you do nothing and expect God to make the changes.’
  29. ‘You are one decision away from a totally different life.’
  30. ‘Most religious leaders today focus on getting richer rather than enlightening the masses.’
  31. ‘You’ll seldom be joyful if your joy depends on what happens around you.’
  32. ‘Achieving big goals is difficult: you need to work hard and persevere for a long period.
  33. ‘The surest way to failure is trying to impress everybody.’
  34.  ‘Your past might screw up with the present if you don’t make peace with it.’
  35. ‘Your life is a reflection of your thoughts, decisions, and actions.

You are welcome to add more harsh realities in the comment box below.

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