5 Remarkable Ways to Love Your Life

Last Updated on October 17, 2021 by The Unbounded Thinker

Loving your life is the best way to live a happy life because you quit comparing yourself to others when you truly cherish your life. Loving your life also leads to self-value and optimism.

Here is how you can love your life

  1. Associate with people who love you

Towards the end of 2017, I realized that I hated my life because I always spent my time with people who never appreciated me. I associated with people who constantly reminded me of my weaknesses.

When I changed friends and made friends with people who loved me and embraced all my weaknesses, something strange happened. I started liking who I was, and I started loving my life.

Therefore, if you want to love your life, associate with people who value you, and make you feel worthy.

  1. Discover your purpose

I believe you came to fulfill a certain purpose, and you will love your life if you discover this purpose, and work on fulfilling it.

Finding and working on your purpose makes you value and adore your life because you’ll realize that you are a valuable and unique individual with an impact that no one apart from you can bring to the world.

  1. Help the needy

Research reveals that helping people makes you love your life by making you happy and positive.  When you help, you realize that your hardships are nothing compared to those of the people you are helping.

‘Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.’ Booker Washington: American Educator, Author, & Advisor.

  1. Discover your talents and utilize them

Discovering and using your talents makes you love your life because you realize that you possess abilities that many people don’t have.

  1. Practice Thankfulness

For you to love your life, you must practice thankfulness. Be grateful for everything good that has happened to you, and be thankful because you live a better life than half of the world’s population.

Remember: almost 2.5 billion people in the world live below 2 US dollars a day, and 1.4 billion people live in extreme poverty.

Concluding Remarks

Therefore, for you to love your life, you must associate with people who love you, discover your purpose, help the needy, exploit your talents, and practice thankfulness.

Remember, life might be tough but you will have a positive attitude towards it if you love your life. You will feel fulfilled, and you will realize that life is an exciting adventure.

You are free to add more ways in which we can love our lives in the comment box below.

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Photography – @simplykech – +254735891691


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