5 Things You Need to Know From Norman Vincent Peale's Book: The Power of Positive Thinking

5 Things You Need to Know From Norman Vincent Peale’s Book: The Power of Positive Thinking

Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker

The Late American Minister and Author, Norman Vincent Peale (1898 – 1993), is known for supporting the concept of positive thinking through his bestseller, The Power of Positive Thinking.

I read the book a few days ago, and it gave me faith and hope in life. I also learned the importance of positive psychology from it. I hope you’ll read the book because it will make you a positive, prayerful, and purposeful individual.

I thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you the main lessons I learned from the book.

  1. The Best Way to Overcome Self-Doubt is to Build Faith

Norman Vincent Pearle writes that self-doubt is the biggest killer of your dreams, but the good thing is that you can overcome it by filling your mind with faith. According to him, you fill your mind with faith by praying constantly and trusting in God’s help and guidance.

  1. You Cannot Succeed in Life if you Don’t Believe in Yourself

Norman believes that people who trust in their abilities usually succeed because self-confidence leads to self-realization.

Besides this, Norman teaches that those who don’t believe in themselves fail because the lack of self-confidence prevents the development of faith and hope. And without these two virtues, one cannot succeed.

Also, he claims that the lack of self-confidence leads to failure because it makes you fear to grasp big opportunities and take huge responsibilities.

  1. You Can Practise Attaining Inner Peace

Norman teaches that you can attain inner peace by doing the following.

  • Thinking peaceful thoughts.
  • Visualizing peaceful images.
  • Practicing silence for 15 minutes every day.
  • Affirming peaceful words such as, ‘serenity.’


  1. There is a Formula for Effective Prayer

Norman believed prayer is the greatest power because it opens your mind to the Creator. In the book, he teaches that the most effective formula for prayer is to prayerise, picturise, and actualize.

You prayerize by praying consistently. You then picturize by continually taking time to visualize the success of your prayers. Lastly, you actualize by working hard and wisely.

  1. ‘You Will Get the Best if You Expect the Best’ – Norman Vincent Pearle

In the book, Norman writes that you will always get the best out of life if you expect the best. Expecting the best activates the Law of Attraction by making your mind emit a magnetic force that brings the best to you.

Concluding Remarks

From the Power of Positive Thinking, we learn that we can achieve success if we build self-confidence, attain inner peace, pray, and expect the best.

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N/B-Photography – @simplykech


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