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Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
From time immemorial, esoteric teachings have been shared among a few groups of people who believed that they were divinely chosen to receive and safeguard secret knowledge. Despite the efforts of such individuals to hide the esoteric teachings, the ancient wisdom somehow managed to reach the masses as time passed. As a spiritual seeker obsessed with the esoteric teachings of ancient wisdom, I stumbled upon some of these teachings and decided to share with you six of them.
The Ancient Wisdom of Egypt – The Secret to Spiritual Growth
The ancient Egyptian priests secretly revealed that training the mind to become free from the illusion of space, time, and matter was the secret to spiritual growth. This training was performed by constantly meditating on spiritual realms and the fact that physical reality is an illusion produced by an underlying spiritual reality.
According to ancient Egyptian priests, liberating the mind from the illusion of space, time, and matter leads to spiritual growth by enhancing one’s attunement to spiritual realms and enabling access to the sacred knowledge hidden in higher spiritual realms.
The Ancient Wisdom of Daoism – The Secret to Magic
According to many ancient Daoist texts, magicians attained magical powers such as teleportation, shape-shifting, soul-travel, mind magic, and dream magic by applying a herbal portion to their bodies. This portion caused physical changes that changed their vibrational frequency and made their body malleable, making it easier for them to transcend the boundaries of ordinary reality.
The Ancient Wisdom of Ancient African Tribes – The Existence of Half-human and Half-Animal gods
Many ancient African tribes claimed that half-human and half-animal gods existed. Some of these creatures were terrifying and ugly while others were very beautiful. These beings came from the seas in magical boats and they were very wise and knowledgeable.
These creatures were able to perform magical acts such as summoning rain, healing people, and shape-shifting, and they helped humans when animal or human sacrifices were offered to them. Some Africans believe these beings still exist and they are secretly worshipped by the world’s most powerful families.
The Esoteric Teaching of Ancient Esoteric Christianity – The Creation of a Thought-Form Deity
Ancient mystical Christians created thought-form deities through focused thoughts and emotions. These spiritual entities acted as guardian spirits and protectors in the spiritual realm. They even granted spiritual or material benefits to their devotees and shared sacred spiritual knowledge that they acquired from the spiritual world. These spiritual entities survived by feeding on the energies released by Christians who praised and worshipped them.
The Esoteric Teaching of Ancient Mystery Schools -Humans are God in Mortal Form
Ancient mystery schools across the world taught that human beings are a physical representation of god. They believed that humans have godly abilities but they cannot express them because they are limited by the physical body, which is dense energy that has slowed down and appears to be solid since it vibrates at the same frequency as planet Earth. These schools taught that humans can only become god-like when they weaken the body’s grip on their soul by practising celibacy and fasting.
The Ancient Secret to Higher Consciousness.
All ancient occult groups agreed that humans can reach higher states of consciousness by overcoming bodily desires, reducing their attachment to physical reality, surrendering to the flow of life, reading spiritual texts, praying, fasting, meditating, and adopting a vegetarian diet.
These occult groups were obsessed with reaching higher consciousness so that they experience a state of oneness with the divine. This state was characterized by the liberation from the limitations of the ego and physical body. To them, this state of oneness was the key to unlocking hidden truths of the universe, tapping into the unlimited potential of the human spirit, accessing higher realms of creativity, attaining spiritual enlightenment, and gaining mastery over oneself and the material world.
There are many esoteric teachings of ancient wisdom that have been hidden from the masses for years. I will share more of them in my future posts.