6 Types Of Friends You Must Let Go Right Now If You Want To Follow Your Dreams

Last Updated on January 20, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

A few years ago, I had friends in almost every city because I never cared about a person’s character before allowing him/her in my inner circle. But today, I have few friends because I choose friends based on how a person will help me advance in the direction of my dreams.

I made this decision because I realized that friends have a major impact on an individual’s life, and thus keeping friends with certain characteristics might make me go in the wrong direction.

I noticed the types of friends that could drag me down and prevent me from reaching my dreams. I believe I must share them with you.

Here are 6 friends you must let go immediately if you want to follow your dreams.

  1. Criticizers

These types of friends criticize almost everything you do. They criticize your spouse, your clothes, decisions, or lifestyle. They never say anything positive about you because they mostly focus on your flaws.

You must avoid such friends because they’ll make you doubt your abilities and strategies, making it difficult for you to pursue your dreams. They will also lower your self-esteem, which is a crucial element for dream chasers.

  1. Purposeless Friends

Purposeless friends don’t have a major goal in life. They perceive their free time as a time to party, gossip, and do many other useless activities. You must avoid purposeless friends at all costs because they will waste your time as they’ll always want you to take part in their purposeless activities when you are free.

  1. Spendthrift Friends

These types of friends are big spenders, and they are comfortable spending their money recklessly on unnecessary things. They seldom save their money. Avoid these friends because they’ll make it hard for you to save money and invest in your dreams since they will be happy with you only when you spend like them.

  1. Friends Who Love Competing With You

These types of friends always check your progress, and they love outdoing you in everything. They become jealous or angry when you outdo them.

These friends will encourage you to compete with them. They will infect you with the competitive energy which will result in you constantly assessing their progress and losing sight of what you are supposed to do for you to live the life of your dreams.

  1. Friends Who Love Arguing A lot

I had friends who loved arguing about sports, religion, relationships, and everything under the sun. I entertained them because I also loved arguing. I later started avoiding them when I realized that arguments were time wasting and useless.

  1. Friends Your Father Warned You About

My dad used to warn me about my friends but I loved ignoring his precious advice. I later realized he was right when some of my ‘friends’ did stupid things in his presence. This phenomenon made me realize that parents intuitively know the people who are truly your friends and those who aren’t. They know the difference between friends who will help you progress and those who won’t.

Therefore, the next time your father warns you about certain friends, try to check if these friends are helping you progress and dump them for good if they are USELESS.


Assess your close friends and check if they are helping you meet your biggest goals. Thank Life if you realize that all your friends are helping you progress quickly towards your ideal life. Treasure such friends and never ever destroy your relationship with them. Ask for forgiveness if you hurt them because they are a precious asset. However, if you realize that your friends aren’t adding any value to your life, you must let go of them right now before it’s too late.

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