6 Types of People Who Progress Faster

Last Updated on December 10, 2021 by The Unbounded Thinker

It recently dawned on me that even after working, praying, and believing, the progress towards success is still super-slow for most people. However, there are six types of people who seem to get ahead faster. These guys make quick progress and everybody around them believes they will succeed. These guys are ordinary individuals with exceptional characters.

Here are they:

  1. The Passionate

Passionate individuals progress quickly because they are obsessed with their work. They work all the time without getting tired because they enjoy their work and don’t perceive it as work. Their work ethic makes them progress quickly because they do more things within a short period.

  1. The Strong Willed

Strong-willed people are highly determined folks who will do whatever it takes to succeed. They progress quicker because nothing can stop them on the road to success. Obstacles never slow them down because they will do everything they can to quickly overcome them.

Besides this, they never waste time thinking of past or possible failures because they only focus on achieving their goals. They fully utilize the present moment and do whatever it takes to meet success.

  1. Highly Self-Disciplined Individuals

Highly self-disciplined individuals progress faster because they work even when they don’t feel like working. Passionate individuals might progress slower because they might stop working when discouraged or when they don’t feel like working. However, self-disciplined individuals, work even when demotivated as they don’t need motivation for them to keep moving forward.

Furthermore, self-disciplined individuals progress quickly because they seldom get distracted. They never allow anything to stop them from getting things done.

  1. The Risk-Takers

Risk-takers fail a lot. However, they get ahead faster than those who play safe when their risks pay off. Risk takers also progress faster because they overcome the fear of failure by trying out many things and failing forward. Lastly, risk takers learn a lot from taking risks, and they also meet many opportunities that accompany risk-taking.

‘Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.’ – Frederick Wilcox

  1. Emotionally Intelligent Individuals

Emotionally intelligent folks progress quicker because they know how to relate to people. Also, people love to do business deals with them because they are supportive and likable. They, therefore, get ahead faster because they can team up with many individuals and work towards a common goal.

  1. Individuals who focus on one thing

Individuals who focus on one thing progress quicker than those who invest their efforts in many things/projects. Many individuals progress slowly because they also work on a plan B as they fear that plan A might fail. Little do they know that having a backup plan slows them down because it divides their attention.

If two people want to succeed in music, and one dedicates all his time on music, while the other one only practices music for 5 hours a day, and uses the rest of the day to work on another project that might provide income in case he fails in music, which of the two will progress faster?

People with backup plans move slower because they focus on failure and they never trust their projects and abilities. They also fail to dedicate all their resources to one thing.

‘There is no reason to have a plan B because it distracts you from plan A.’ – Will Smith

Concluding Remarks

I always wondered why some people progress quicker than others. For this reason, I studied a number of successful people and I realized that the above types of people progress quicker than the rest of us. However, there are many more types of people who get ahead faster. You are free to mention them in the comment box below.

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