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Last Updated on May 29, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
I used to suffer from chronic anxiety because I worried about everything. Luckily, I discovered how to eradicate it.
Anxiety is mainly defined as ‘feelings of tension or worry about a future outcome.’ Many people today are anxious about everything. In the article, ‘The Era of Anxiety and the Destruction of Intuition,’ I described the factors that make modern society anxious.
Anxiety has many side-effects. It causes sleep problems, digestive disorders, and prevents us from having a clear mind. For this reason, you must strive to rise above anxious thoughts whenever they attack you.
Here are 6 ways you can deal with anxious thoughts:
1.Meditate on Infinite Intelligence
Think about the power that created the universe. Think about its greatness and willingness to support life. Know that you don’t have to worry about anything because it exists within you.
2.Watch Nature Documentaries
Research reveals that nature documentaries eradicate anxious thoughts because they increase positive emotions. They also evoke feelings of awe which studies reveal are a good treatment for anxiety.
3.Sing a Song of Praise
I started singing songs of praise to Infinite Intelligence/God after realizing that they eradicate anxiety. Anxiety mainly attacks you when you focus too much on yourself. The songs of praise eliminate anxiety by shifting your focus to your Infinite Power/God
4.Realize that You Can Die At Any Moment
Knowing this fact about death enables you to realize that you might be worrying about a future that might arrive when you are dead. This knowledge allows you to live in the moment and stop worrying about an unguaranteed future.
5.Realize That Anxiety is Bad for You
Know that anxiety is bad for you as it causes high blood pressure, breathing problems, digestive disorders, and erectile dysfunction (in men). It also reduces productivity and destroys your intuitive abilities.
Being conscious of the side effects of anxiety will enable you to quickly recognize and ignore anxious thoughts, preventing you from succumbing to anxiety.
6..Try Medical Marijuana
I used to be against marijuana, but I adopted a positive attitude towards it after realizing that most ancient cultures involved it in their religious practices.
Besides, I discovered that most ancient cultures realized its importance on our mental health.
Today, studies have realized that marijuana temporarily eliminates anxious thoughts as it makes individuals feel calm. It also relieves the symptoms of anxiety by making individuals believe everything is okay.
Marijuana only becomes dangerous if you use it daily. You’ll become addicted, lazy, and unproductive if you use marijuana everyday.
Apart from the above methods, I believe there are many other ways to deal with anxious thoughts. You are free to mention them in the comment box below:
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