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Last Updated on November 28, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
In the book, Mate: Become the Man Women Want, the authors, Tucker Max and Geoffrey Miller, share sensible and practical advice that helps men reach a point where they can attract several women. I read the book and I noted down seven lessons that will help you attract the women of your dreams.
Lesson 1. Understand Women If You Want to Attract Them.
It is almost impossible to attract women without understanding them. To attract women, you must understand what they want, who they are, where they go to meet men, and what they are attracted to.
Lesson 2. Women Desire Effective Men.
To attract women, you must become effective in factors such as knowledge, play, work, family, friends, and health because effectiveness in these main domains of life is sexually attractive to women.
Lesson 3. Women Love Men Who Get in Shape.
Improve your physical health because women are attracted to men who are in shape. Good physical health implies overall genetic fitness. You don’t need to be jacked like a bodybuilder and you don’t need six-pack abs. You just need to be visibly healthy, fit, and energetic, to increase your attractiveness to women.
Lesson 4. Be Funny and Playful.
Women are attracted to guys who are funny and playful. Avoid being too serious by switching from serious maturity to playful immaturity, and by making fun of your own weaknesses without showing low self-esteem.
Lesson 5. Women Observe Your Relationship with Other People.
Women are attracted to guys who are liked and appreciated by other people. Therefore, as a man, you must develop social skills, host parties, have at least three friends, limit activities that isolate you, and ensure that you have a lot of friends on social networks so that you appear interesting.
Lesson 6. Have a Hot Female Friend.
Allow yourself to be friend-zoned by a beautiful woman if you want to appear attractive to other women. For as the Novelist Milan Kundera observed, “Women don’t look for handsome men, they look for men with beautiful women.”
Lesson 7. Go Where Women Are.
Engage in activities that are popular with women. These activities include religious groups’ activities, volunteering for charities, group fitness activities, acting lessons, dancing lessons, and singing groups. It’s easier to approach women in such activities because you’ll be familiar with them and you won’t appear as a potentially unsafe stranger.