7 Lessons from The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest

7 Lessons from The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest

Last Updated on October 9, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker

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“The Mountain Is You,” by Brianna Wiest is a powerful personal development book for anyone who wants to improve their life. It shares insightful guidance on confronting the mountain, a metaphor for the challenges we face, and it emphasizes the importance of transforming oneself in the process. Here are seven amazing lessons I learned from the book.

Lesson 1. Life is Always Working in our Favor

When you are experiencing any form of difficulty, always have faith that the difficulty will have a positive impact. Know that just as forest fires help the natural environment, adversity fuels your growth.

Lesson 2. Strive to Change Yourself not the Mountain.

When facing hardships, you must strive to change yourself by embracing virtues that will enable you to overcome the hardships. To make the change easier for you, you must embrace a positive perception of the mountain or hardships you are experiencing.

Lesson 3. Why Rock Bottom Causes Change.

Rock bottom causes massive positive change in our lives by resulting in the declaration that we shall never experience such a negative experience again. This declaration forces us to embark on a journey of personal development so that we change our lives for the better.

Lesson 4. How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

We can overcome the fear of failure in two ways. First, by realizing that failure increases our chances of knowing what will work. Second, by realizing that it’s so painful when we know that we failed just because we were afraid to try.

Lesson 5. Don’t Avoid Negative Emotions

All negative emotions have crucial messages that we must learn to interpret. For this reason, they are our guidance system, and we need to embrace them instead of avoiding them. Avoiding negative emotions leads to negative consequences, while embracing them and trying to learn from them results in positive consequences.

Lesson 6. The Nature of Intuitive Thoughts

Intuitive thoughts come from within. They are calm, rational, and they enable you to solve problems. These thoughts do not arise from external factors and they are generally positive in nature.

Lesson 7. Positive Life Events Can Cause Stress

Don’t be obsessed with experiencing positive life events because they can be depressing. Their depressive nature arises from the realization that these events cannot eliminate all stress.

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