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Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
A few weeks ago, I shared eight cool lessons from this book, and most of you loved them. For this reason, I decided to share seven more sensational lessons I learned from the book.
If you choose not to forgive those who hurt you, you’ll keep remembering what they did and you’ll feel the pain they inflicted on you. .
We are so wrapped up in our problems that we fail to see the possibilities and opportunities around us. We are like a trapped bird frantically trying to get out of a room through the walls instead of pausing and seeing where the door to freedom is.
Most people have many excuses for not pursuing their dreams. Some believe they are too late, others claim they are too young, and others think they don’t have enough resources. These are mere excuses for not going after dreams. The main reason they are not going after what they want is that they are too scared to fail or to get out of their comfort zones.
If you have a big task, don’t think about how and when you will complete it. Instead, focus on the little steps needed to complete the entire task.
‘So don’t try and eat the whole elephant at once, break-it-down into bite-sized bits.’ – Jen Sincero
If you analyze most of your fears, you’ll realize that they exist in the future. You are only afraid when you think about what might happen later. If you focus on the events happening right now, you’ll notice that all your fears haven’t happened yet.
It’s easier to overcome obstacles that come on your path if you’ve already decided what you want in life. Making a no-nonsense decision enables you to keep moving even when the going gets tough, preventing you from giving up. Many people give up because they haven’t firmly decided what they want.
Stop worrying about achieving your dreams, and stop trying to control the future. Instead, work hard, relax mentally, and believe that the universe will fulfill all your desires.
‘When you believe that everything you desire already exists, you are in a natural state of surrender.’ – Jen Sincero
Which of the above lessons did you like?