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Last Updated on January 28, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
Eckhart Tolle, in his book: A New Earth, teaches the negative effects of the ego, and the factors that strengthen it. He also teaches how you can transcend the ego and stop identifying yourself with temporary things.
The book enables readers to shift their consciousness and live a fulfilling life. Here are the primary lessons I learned from it.
The naming of both living and non-living things results in us failing to realize the true nature of things. Avoid labeling things, and you will realize that everything is a mystery.
Thus, when you see an ant, see it as a conscious six-legged creature and you will realize that the ant is mysterious. Similarly, when you see a bird, see it as a creature with flying abilities, and you will realize that the bird is a miracle.
‘When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago.’ – Eckhart Tolle
Many companies make you buy valueless things at a high price by making you believe that these items will add immense value to your life. They make you believe that you will be happy or famous if you buy expensive products such as Gucci or Louis Vuitton bags. However, these products become valueless when many people buy them.
The attachment to material things is disastrous as it might result in chronic worry, anxiety, or unhappiness. We must, therefore, learn to let go of this attachment.
But how do we let go?
Eckhart Tolle teaches that we can let go by being conscious of our attachment. Secondly, he teaches that this attachment disappears when we stop seeking happiness and security from material things.
Everyone in this world can have more than enough. However, some egocentric individuals amass excess resources and force a large percentage of the world to share what’s left. Their egos make them not to care that their greed is resulting in poverty.
The modern society has been tricked into believing that beautiful, curvy girls and strong handsome men are the most valuable individuals. This belief has resulted in most of us using our physical appearance to determine our self-worth.
Little do we know that identifying ourselves with our physical appearance can lead to chronic stress and anxiety when our physical appearance fades. Several beautiful girls and handsome men descend into depression when their beauty starts fading.
According to Eckhart Tolle, spiritual awakening is the realization that what you think, experience, and perceive is not who you are, and that you can never find your true self in material things.
8. Give what you want to get what you need
You always receive what you give. Therefore, give what you think is inadequate, and soon you will have more than enough. If you lack love, give out love, and many people will start loving you, and if you feel that people don’t respect you, start respecting people, and they will also respect you.
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