Search Results for illuminati

The Search For The Hidden Knowledge

The Search For The Hidden Knowledge

Many people today are searching for ‘The Hidden Knowledge’. Authors and vloggers are capitalizing on this search by creating content that claims to expose this knowledge. This knowledge is believed to be hidden by the Illuminati, and many think it…

You are Awakened. So What?

You are Awakened. So What?

Today, several things prove that many people are spiritually awakened. Many are realizing that we are controlled by the Illuminati, and many more are noticing that we are not only bodies, but we are also souls, and therefore, we are…

How We’ve Let God Down

How We've Let God Down

God created us with the ability to reflect. We are the only creatures that can meditate on the infinite miracles that enable us to thrive on this planet. However, instead of doing that, we constantly worry. We never take a…

Reclaim Your Mind

Recently, after watching the TV show: Power, it dawned on me that I started thinking like the main character – Ghost. I thought violent thoughts, and I wished I had a ‘bad’ girl as my spouse. This phenomenon made me…