A Summary of Pythagoras’ Secret Teachings That Were Hidden From the Public

Last Updated on July 18, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

Pythagoras was an extraordinary man. Several ancient texts claim that he performed miracles, used music to heal people, and possessed the ability to be in two distinct places at the same time. It is also believed that many great people and secret societies lived by his principles and teachings.

Legend has it that he was assassinated by the ruling classes who believed his secret teachings would awaken the masses.

The ruling classes noticed that Pythagoras became extraordinary because his secret teachings enabled him to awaken his inner self and contact the spiritual world. For this reason, they ensured the teachings never fell into the public’s hands.

I gathered some of these teachings from Thomas Stanley’s book, ‘Pythagoras, His Life, and Teachings.’

  1. Maintain silence for a long period of time.
  2. Don’t be obsessed with riches and honor.
  3. The Divine cannot communicate through visions and dreams to those who are governed by the love of pleasure and anger.
  4. Excite your soul with music when you wake up, and soften the mind with music before you sleep.
  5. Virtue purifies and perfects human life because it eradicates the excess of passions.
  6. You attain intense happiness when you have a good soul.
  7. The best gifts from the Divine are: speaking truth and kindness.
  8.  Prefer the company of constructive criticizers to flatterers.
  9. Always think about the Divine/God.
  10. God is within the world and permeates everything.
  11. Your soul is sempiternal: eternal and non-changing
  12. Your soul lives several times in different living things.
  13. Your soul has two lives. One is within the body, and the other is outside it.
  14. Forget about worldly matters while worshipping or when in a sacred place.
  15. Avoid the way of the crowds and pursue what’s unique and holy.
  16. Rise above the illusion of material reality and focus on living a spiritual life.
  17. Strive towards a tranquil mind, and avoid anger because it lacks reason and prudence.
  18. Be just to all, and respect equality.
  19. Philosophy enables us to understand the truth, which is often hidden and hard to find.
  20. Practice receiving without resentment or envy.
  21. If you are patient and industrious, you must avoid lazy people.
  22. All seekers of knowledge should only associate with the gods and the wise.
  23. Beware of anything that might threaten your connection with the Divine.
  24. Make friends with virtuous people.
  25. Do not do anything without reasoning.
  26. Avoid any action that will result in envy.
  27. There are many paths, but choose the path that is best for you.
  28. Allow yourself to be guided by the Divine.

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