A Summary of The 22 Harsh and Hidden Truths I Have Learned in 2018. HAPPY HOLIDAYS

Last Updated on June 7, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

This is my last article in 2018 and I would love to share with you what I’ve learned this year. 2018 has been a wonderful year for me. I’ve known wonderful people from different parts of the world through my blog. I’ve also posted articles consistently, experienced the power of solitude, and learned the following harsh and hidden truths about life.

  • Prayer Changes Nothing If You Don’t Take Action

If you want to achieve your goals, work hard towards them. Don’t just pray and expect a god to help you achieve them. If you do so you’ll literally achieve your goals in your dreams.

  • ‘Bad’ Things Will Still Happen Even If You Pray

Prayer doesn’t prevent ‘bad’ things from happening. The world will throw loads of shit at you even if you pray 1,000 times a day.

  • God/Infinite Intelligence Exists Whether You Like it or Not.

After studying several biology books and watching many wildlife documentaries, I realized that the universe is designed by an intelligent being. Many people call it God.

  •  Your Body is Intelligent

The body is intelligent. It makes you feel hungry when it needs food, and it knows how to digest the food and absorb crucial nutrients necessary for its growth.

  • Reading Books Makes You Wiser

I have learned a lot through reading, and I also realized that most wise people read a lot.

  • Be Strong

Life is good but sometimes shit happens. Be strong when shit happens, and realize you are powerful than your experiences because they are an illusion.

  • If You Wish the Best for Others You Won’t feel Bad When Good Things Happen to them.

Wishing good things for others makes you rejoice with them when good things happen to them. However, wishing bad things for others will result in you feeling bad when good things happen to them. Therefore, always wish the best for others and you’ll never be resentful.

  •  Living the Life of Your Dreams is Possible But Not Easy

I extensively studied the biographies of many people living their dreams and realized that they are all ordinary people who were brave enough to follow their dreams. I, therefore, concluded that it’s possible for each of us to live our dreams. However, I realized that it’s hard to live our dreams because we’ll have to make sacrifices, work hard, and persist.

  • Life Goes On When You Die

Only a few people will cry when you die. The ants, lizards, cows, my cat, and 99% of the world won’t care. Be Humble.

  • Generosity Attracts Love

People love the generous and are willing to die for them. Politicians know this and they become extremely generous during political campaigns.

  • Having A Job is not The Only Way To Make Money

I always believed that I can only make money through employment. However, this year, this belief changed after meeting entrepreneurs who make lots of money.

  • It’s Hard to Build A Successful Business

Building a successful business requires you to persevere when you experience losses. It also requires you to take huge risks and build business skills.

  • If You Are Expecting Success, Expect Jealousy Too.

Not everybody, including your close friends and relatives, will be happy when you succeed. But don’t worry, that’s part of life.

  • You Can Connect With Infinite Intelligence/God

Infinite Intelligence is in everything within and around you. You become highly connected to it when you focus on one thing.

  • Never Ever Give A Fuck About What Other People Think About You

You’ll never live authentically if you’re concerned with other people’s thoughts about you. You’ll focus on doing things that please others if you care so much about other people’s thoughts.

  • The Law of Attraction Works

You attract what you mostly think about because your thoughts shape your actions.

  • Maybe Ghosts, Mermaids, and Fairies Exist

I read somewhere that there are forests with viruses so deadly that a human being can die a few hours after entering them. Maybe ghosts and fairies live in these forests.

Besides this, a big part of our oceans is unexplored; maybe mermaids dwell in this part.

  • Solitude is Awesome

Solitude makes you think deeply and creates lots of free time which you can use to make your dreams a reality.

  • You Don’t Have to Be Old For You to Be Wise

Contrary to popular belief, you can be wise at a young age. Remember, the Christian Messiah: Jesus, was wise at age 12.

Yes, wisdom comes with experience but it also comes with enlightenment and you can be enlightened at any age.

  • You Might Never Progress If You Fear Taking Risks

Never expect to progress if you love playing safe. Progress requires risk-taking since risks open you up to many opportunities and allow you to fail forward.

  • Academic Education Is Bullshit

Academic education trains you to memorize a lot of information that you’ll never use in real life. It doesn’t make you wiser as it never shows you how to navigate through the journey of life.

The only good thing about academic education is that it enables you to read, write, and calculate.

  • I Love Game of Thrones

Sorry, I know this is a personal development blog but I had to put this on my list. Game of Thrones is one of the few Television Shows I watch and I can’t wait for the final season. The TV show makes me forget everything for a moment and dissolve into wonderland. Can’t wait to see who will eventually win the GAME OF THRONES.


Hope these truths had an impact on you.

Anyway, there are many hidden truths I have learned after dedicating my life to discovering how life and the Infinite Intelligence works. I believe that life is so good and we can experience heaven on earth if we live in alignment with the universal flow.

I believe you already know that this is my last article in 2018. Don’t worry, I’ll give you more nuggets of wisdom when I’m back in January. I’ve worked so hard this year, and I think I need a break. And to all readers who have a dream, keep working on it and remember that if you don’t give up you won’t fail. I’ve not yet achieved my dreams but I know I’ll achieve them soon if I work hard and persevere.

Every great person was like you and me. They just persevered when others gave up, and all they cared about was achieving their dreams. We’ll also achieve our dreams if we just don’t give up. The universe has already given us whatever we want. We just have to play our part by working hard and trusting the future.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post.


always remember Jim Rohn’s words.

“Make plans like an adult and believe in them like a child, and the most incredible things will happen.’ –  Jim Rohn

And if




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