Kindly support my work by buying my books: 'Esoteric Illuminations: Deep Esoteric&Occult Knowledge For Seekers Of Truth,' 'Living in Tune with the Divine Force of Nature' and 'The Magic of Semen Retention'
Today, we strive to achieve an optimistic state of mind because many influential individuals advise us to be optimistic. Besides this, we practice optimism because we are aware of its advantages. However, we quickly give up on optimism and believe…
Last year, I researched the power of thought extensively because I wanted to pinpoint the main factors that influence the Law of Attraction. I then discovered that the ability of our thoughts to attract our innermost desires is influenced by…
When I log into my Facebook account, I usually see hundreds of selfies. These selfies mostly strive to indicate that the selfie-takers are living a happy and luxurious life. Three years ago, before I started reading and watching self-help material,…
My parents always told me to work hard at school because good grades lead to financial success. They also told me that academic education will make me exceptionally intelligent. However, when I grew up and studied successful and highly intelligent…
Today, people are building businesses, following their passion, and getting employed because they want to achieve financial success. There is also this idea that being deeply religious or spiritual can enable an individual to achieve financial success. Is this idea…
Medical practitioners agree that treatment procedures mostly produce positive health outcomes when patients are positive. They have also found that negative thinking upsets the body’s hormone balance, making it difficult for patients to heal. Emoto, a researcher, conducted an experiment…
For years, many philosophers and spiritualists have exposed several illusions of man. I have studied these deceptive appearances and discovered the following five illusions of man. The Illusion of Expectation We always think that everybody must be the way we…