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The realization that something is wrong with society today If you commit yourself to spiritual growth, you’ll wonder what is wrong with our society today because you’ll start seeing things clearly. You’ll notice that many people are self-centred narcissists who…
From time immemorial, spiritual teachers and philosophers have encouraged us to go with the flow of life. Lao Tzu, the Tao Te Ching’s author said, “The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. He lets them…
‘You will come to see that any behavior pattern based upon the avoidance of pain becomes a doorway to the pain itself.’ – Michael Singer Today, many men use drugs when experiencing romantic breakups, financial difficulties, family issues, etc. In…
“Know Thyself”, a dictum mainly attributed to Socrates, was carved into stone at the entrance of the Temple of Apollo in Greece. Scholars who discuss the phrase overlook its spiritual meaning: they are unaware that Socrates was a philosopher deeply…
From time immemorial, some men have committed evil acts that make people wonder if they are human and if they feel guilty about their actions. I have studied evil secret societies and wicked individuals, and I realized that they never…
Today, we are told to have friends because friendships are important on the path to success, give us a sense of belonging, reduce stress, boost our self-esteem, motivate us to reach our goals, and increase happiness. I agree that friends…
The question, Does Prayer Work? has been asked by many people today. People are wondering whether committing to a prayerful life is a fruitless or fruitful activity. What many people don’t know is that this question only arose in the…
Many people today are searching for ‘The Hidden Knowledge’. Authors and vloggers are capitalizing on this search by creating content that claims to expose this knowledge. This knowledge is believed to be hidden by the Illuminati, and many think it…
When I decided to give up the sexual stimuli that were destructive for my body—pornography and masturbation—a few months or even more than a year passed before my reward system became fully restored. Once it stabilized, I began to experience…
A real man believes in himself and follows his dreams. He does not fear the uncertainties and risks that accompany following one’s dreams. He prefers the anxiety that comes with risk-taking to the depression caused by stagnation. He makes bold…