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I recently noticed that my parents always encourage me to live a prayerful life because they realized that prayer is highly beneficial and they also want me to experience its benefits. I, thus, decided to live a prayerful life, contemplate…
The N-word is the most controversial word in America. African-Americans use it when referring to each other but they become angry when white people use it. White people have been fired from their jobs, suspended from schools, and even knocked…
Many modern spiritual and personal development gurus have popularized meditation, claiming that it improves health, leads to inner bliss, a sense of calm and a spiritual awakening. These and many more benefits of meditation have encouraged many to embrace the…
Marriage has failed. Divorce rates worldwide have increased in the last 30 years, and social experts predict that more than 50% of current marriages will end in divorce. After studying broken marriages and meditating on the social problems of modern…
‘Of one thing we can be certain: a person that is engaging in violence is hurting deeply, because a healthy and balanced soul is incapable of harming another.’ – Gary Zukav, Seat of the Soul I live near a slum,…
Unhappiness is defined as the feeling of being dissatisfied with life. Although life was not designed to make us constantly happy, it was also not designed to ensure that we are always unhappy. Being constantly unhappy is disastrous as it…
Self-confidence is defined as the ability to trust one’s skills and judgment. Self-confidence is the secret to a good life because It leads to peace of mind. Self-confident people seldom worry about their problems because they believe in their ability…
It is fun to live in the modern society. We can quickly move from one place to another, we are free to make independent decisions and live our own lives, and we have several sources of entertainment. Despite the almost…
N.B – This article is based on Martin Luther King’s 1957 Sermon: ‘Conquering Self-Centeredness.’ An individual has not begun to live until he can rise above the narrow horizons of his particular individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all…
The sun is mighty, It shines brightly, It does not judge, It does not care whether you are good or bad, Happy or sad, It gives to all its light, To see with their sense of sight, My daughter and…