Why I Believe in Miracles

Why I Believe in Miracles

 ‘We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea…and you don’t believe in miracles?’ – Anonymous I used to think miracles are nothing but magical nonsense. For this…

How We’ve Let God Down

How We've Let God Down

God created us with the ability to reflect. We are the only creatures that can meditate on the infinite miracles that enable us to thrive on this planet. However, instead of doing that, we constantly worry. We never take a…

The Hidden God

The hidden God

I use the word ‘he’ to refer to God because it’s the most common term used to refer to the Creator. Forgive me for that. If there is a Creator-God, it has used methods of creation that are indistinguishable from…

An Atheist is a Big Fool

an atheist is a big fool

‘The wonders and balance of nature and the marvelous physics of flight present the truths of our Creator in ways simply too overwhelming to discount.’ – Robert Firth, Atheists Are Idiots According to an atheist, the universe appeared from nothing.…