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It recently dawned on me that the few individuals who have the courage to chase their dreams often give up because of the challenges they face on the journey. As a dream chaser, I have faced huge obstacles that made…
I started questioning whether God is good after realizing that many people experience difficulty. I never questioned his existence because creation is enough evidence for God’s existence. I only questioned his inner nature. Sometimes I wonder if God is really…
Most personal development teachers, including Gary Vaynerchuck, agree that unmaterialistic people have high chances of succeeding. This idea made me think deeply and research about materialism. I then realized that becoming unmaterialistic is beneficial because of the following reasons. You…
The size of your dream greatly determines what you will achieve in life. Small dreams ensure you achieve small things while big dreams make you achieve big things. All great achievers had big dreams. Recently, I asked my friends and…
One of the leading causes of anxiety is worrying too much about what other people think Besides causing anxiety, caring what other people say/think prevents authenticity. Therefore, you must avoid this tendency because its disastrous effects can prevent you from…
You become envious when you lack a desired factor you believe is enjoyed by another individual. Envy is a dangerous emotion because it leads to hate, frustration, and feelings of inadequacy. You must avoid it at all costs. To successfully…
Most of us like feeling motivated, and for this reason, we purchase motivational books and attend motivational seminars. We love and pay for motivation because we believe it works. However, some individuals like Mel Robbins, think motivation is garbage because it…
The fear of failure is the biggest impediment to success because it prevents us from taking risks and going our own way. Overcoming it enables us to fearlessly lose ourselves in opportunities, increasing our chances of achieving success. I believe…
Merriam-Webster defines talent as a special and usually inborn activity. According to common knowledge, it is much easier for a talented individual to succeed because talent is an added advantage. Besides this, many people believe that everybody who succeeds is…
After asking people about their dreams, plans, and ideas, I realized that many people have big ideas, but few execute them. Besides this, I noticed that the few individuals who execute their ideas delay executing them. Therefore, I analyzed the…