Kindly support my work by buying my books: 'Esoteric Illuminations: Deep Esoteric&Occult Knowledge For Seekers Of Truth,' 'Living in Tune with the Divine Force of Nature' and 'The Magic of Semen Retention'
Semen retention/NoFap is a controversial topic. Some people report experiencing several benefits of semen retention while others think the benefits are bogus because they are not supported by scientific evidence. Those who criticize semen retention do not realize that we…
Recently, I discovered that some Bible verses promote semen retention These Bible verses mainly promote semen retention by discouraging an obsession with the body, sex with prostitutes, and sexual immorality. An individual must be good at interpreting these verses to…
N/B-SUPPORT MY WORK BY BUYING MY INSIGHTFUL BOOK ,’THE MAGIC OF SEMEN RETENTION,’ THROUGH THIS LINK. An Introduction to the History of Semen Retention While discussing NoFap with retainers, most of them inquired about the origins of semen retention. I,…
“According to classical India, women embody lust and men are inclined toward the higher and nobler pursuits of celibacy and religious practice. Women are men’s adversaries and creatures of passion who seek to satisfy their own cravings and as a…
This article is a summary of C.J. Van Vliet’s book, The Coiled Serpent “The sexual appetite, unlike hunger or thirst, can be reduced to a more or less quiescent state which, far from injuring, may benefit the physical and psychic…
When I decided to give up the sexual stimuli that were destructive for my body—pornography and masturbation—a few months or even more than a year passed before my reward system became fully restored. Once it stabilized, I began to experience…
I have struggled with masturbation for many years. I tried quitting but I kept relapsing even after attempting to implement popularized methods of quitting such as meditating, limiting alone time, support groups and exercising. After several unsuccessful attempts, I finally…
Semen retention is beneficial. It boosts confidence, enhances your risk-taking abilities, and hastens spiritual growth. However, it is not the ultimate solution to all your problems. Many bloggers exaggerate semen retention benefits, making people believe that all their problems will…
‘Semen retained in the body goes upwards to nourish the brain, rendering the body robust and the memory and intellect sharp.’ – Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Brahmacarya in Kṛ̣ṣṇa Consciousness If you study the life of a genius, you’ll realize that…
In his book, A Bull of a Man: Images of Masculinity, Sex, and the Body in Indian Buddhism, John Powers shows how the Buddha and his followers were perfect examples of masculinity. He, therefore, presents a rare viewpoint of the…