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“From old Egypt have come the fundamental esoteric and occult teachings which have so strongly influenced the philosophies of all races, nations and peoples, for several thousand years. Egypt, the home of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, was the birthplace…
I love reading the Discourses of Epictetus because he is one of the few philosophers who openly discussed his belief in a Higher Power or what we commonly refer to as God. While reading his Discourses, I noticed that it…
“But when Zarathustra was alone, he spoke thus to his heart. ‘Could it be possible? This old saint has not heard in his forest that God is dead!” – Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900), a German philosopher, is…
Baruch Spinoza, born in 1632, was a philosopher who focused on teaching about God, and the limits of religious authority. He also taught about the human mind, science, and morality. As well, he stressed on the importance of freedom and…
‘The assaults of adversity don’t weaken the spirit of a brave man.’ – Seneca Introduction Seneca was an amazing stoic philosopher who’s remembered for his life-changing moral essays. I read these essays to find out why many influential people love…
Pythagoras was an extraordinary man. Several ancient texts claim that he performed miracles, used music to heal people, and possessed the ability to be in two distinct places at the same time. It is also believed that many great people…
Introduction According to Merriam Webster, romantic love is ‘attraction based on sexual desire, or affection felt by admiration.’ Most of us believe we fall in love because we are attracted to each other and want to be together all the…
Many mystics and spiritual leaders believe the main goal of life is to unite with God/Infinite Intelligence. They believe uniting with God makes life blissful and brings higher wisdom and knowledge to an individual. For this reason, I researched on…
I love Infinite Intelligence (You can call it God if you like. I don’t care). I’m fascinated by how this Intelligence designed both living and non-living things. I always wonder how it designed the brain, digestive system, sun, stars, and…
Epictetus, one of my favorite philosophers, was widely known for his fascinating philosophical ideas. Although he was a slave at a young age, he studied stoic philosophy under an influential teacher. It is said that Epictetus’ teachings influenced more people…