Kindly support my work by buying my books: 'Esoteric Illuminations: Deep Esoteric&Occult Knowledge For Seekers Of Truth,' 'Living in Tune with the Divine Force of Nature' and 'The Magic of Semen Retention'
I firmly believe in a personal God because it’s impossible for an impersonal Creator to create personal beings. It just doesn’t make sense. In his book, The God Confusion, Gary Cox agrees that God is personal. He writes, “the idea…
I love reading spiritual books and I always note down captivating quotes. Here are 11 most powerful quotes from my favorite spiritual books. There is an old saying that man must only use his words for three purposes, to bless,…
Inner peace refers to a state of mental calmness despite the presence of stressors. For this reason, a person who has attained INNER PEACE is not stressed with whatever happens because he welcomes whatever life throws at him. Today, we…
Today, people are building businesses, following their passion, and getting employed because they want to achieve financial success. There is also this idea that being deeply religious or spiritual can enable an individual to achieve financial success. Is this idea…
According to the spiritual law of supply, The Creator is the ultimate supplier, and his supply is unlimited. Spiritual teachers mostly use nature to support this Law. If you take a closer look at nature, you’ll realize that all creatures…
Joel Osteen, one of the wealthiest and most influential preachers in the world, is my favorite pastor. He is well known for his inspiring and moving sermons. I’ve watched his sermons for almost two years and this is what I’ve…
Merriam Webster defines Faith as ‘the strong belief or trust in something.’ My meditations and the spiritual books I’ve read made me realize that faith has the following four stages. 1. The Delivery Stage In this phase, faith exists as…
(PLEASE DONT READ THIS ARTICLE, it needs serious editing. I wrote it before knowing the definition of conscious detachment) In Psalms 27: 13, we read, ‘this is the confidence that I have: that I will see the goodness of the…
For years, many philosophers and spiritualists have exposed several illusions of man. I have studied these deceptive appearances and discovered the following five illusions of man. The Illusion of Expectation We always think that everybody must be the way we…