Last Updated on October 8, 2022 by The Unbounded Thinker
You become envious when you lack a desired factor you believe is enjoyed by another individual.
Envy is a dangerous emotion because it leads to hate, frustration, and feelings of inadequacy. You must avoid it at all costs.
To successfully avoid envy, you must become aware of the following factors that make you vulnerable to envy.
When competing, you always want to win the competition and there are high chances that you will feel envious when your competitor wins.
You must be cautious with competition because you might end up feeling envious all your life.
2.Being too Concerned With Other People’s Affairs
If you are so concerned with other people’s affairs, you’ll probably become envious at some point because you’ll keep identifying things that you don’t have, but other people have.
3.Inability to Get What You Want
The failure to achieve one’s goals leads to envy. It’s easier for you to become hateful and envious towards those who easily get the things you want if you fail to get them.
Pessimism makes you believe that things will never work out for you. Therefore, if you are a pessimist, you’ll feel bad when you see other people enjoying the things you desire because you’ll believe they are enjoying the things you’ll never have.
Arrogant people believe they deserve every good thing because they are important. For this reason, they can’t avoid feeling envious when others progress because they believe they are the only people who deserve progress.
6.The absence of love
If you are hateful towards a particular person, you’ll definitely become envious if this person makes progress. Where there is love, there is no envy because a loving heart wishes the best for everybody.
Concluding Remarks
I usually avoid envy because I find it difficult to work hard when envious. I learned that any action you take with a negative emotion is weak because negativity creates resistance that prevents you from falling into alignment with the universal flow.
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