Does Motivation Work? Or is it Garbage?

Last Updated on March 11, 2021 by The Unbounded Thinker

Most of us like feeling motivated, and for this reason, we purchase motivational books and attend motivational seminars.

We love and pay for motivation because we believe it works. However, some individuals like Mel Robbins, think motivation is garbage because it doesn’t work.

Therefore, the million-dollar question is, does motivation work?

Motivation works, but it only works for hard workers and people who genuinely want to achieve success. It doesn’t work for lazy and unfocused individuals.

I believe you’ve read about people whose lives changed after reading a motivational article/book or attending a seminar. People use these individuals as the basis of the argument that motivation works. They don’t realize that most of these individuals were determined to achieve greatness.

Motivation works by encouraging hard workers and great aspirers to work harder and believe they can achieve their dreams. It only reinforces, but doesn’t change people’s habits. A lazy person cannot start working hard because he read a motivational book.

I once forced my friends to read motivational books. They became so enthusiastic after reading the books that they immediately started setting goals. However, after a while, they forgot about these goals.

On the other hand, I also gave my hard working and ambitious friends the same books, and I realized that the books motivated them to work harder and dream bigger.

You must cultivate the habit of working hard if you want motivation to work for you. Set big goals and start working towards them. Force yourself to work even when you don’t feel like working. After a while, you’ll face obstacles and realize that your hard work is not attracting success as quickly as you expected.

You will then look for motivational stuff to inspire you to persevere, persist, and believe that your hard work will eventually pay. And guess what? Motivation will work because it will encourage you to work harder and believe in yourself.

Therefore, motivation works, but not for everyone. It only works for determined folks.  Motivation can make you a dreamer, but it can’t make you a hard worker. In other words, it can’t cultivate for you the habits and skills you need for a successful life. You are responsible for building these skills and habits.

You can’t read a motivational book and expect success to miraculously knock at your door. Success requires hard work.

Feel free to agree or disagree in the comment box below.

Are you addicted to motivation, or are you addicted to success – Elon Musk

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