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Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
I have retained my semen for over a year, and I agree that semen retention causes female attraction because I noticed that the number of women interested in me has increased.
I now firmly believe that the energy you emit while on semen retention is powerful and magnetic. Many women cannot resist this energy. They wonder why they like you even though you have not met their qualities of an attractive man. They love your company and laugh at your jokes. This energy is powerful masculine energy that makes you manly and makes them feel safe and peaceful when they are with you.
I also believe that the qualities that accompany semen retention lead to female attraction. You look younger when you retain semen. Besides, you become confident, and you don’t care about rejection. You don’t care whether women will like what you say because you don’t need their approval. You become playful with women, and you tease them occasionally. Such qualities show that you are not desperate for women. They make women think you don’t care about them because you attract them easily. Women unconsciously like men who attract women easily.
The financial impact of semen retention is also a reason why it attracts women. It became easier for me to save money while retaining because I lost interest in nightclubs, dates, and parties. I lost interest in spending on women because I lost interest in casual sex. I decided to only have sex with the woman I would marry. The money I saved during retention enabled me to afford a bigger and better apartment. I believe this change in my life also contributed to the increased female attraction.
Sometimes I think female attraction on semen retention is a placebo. I am tempted to think that the belief that semen retention attracts women results in increased female attraction because our beliefs create our reality.
Whether female attraction is a placebo or not, the undeniable truth is that it accompanies semen retention, especially on long streaks.
What convinces me that semen retention causes female attraction is the fact that we are animals.
Like all animals, women possess instinctive abilities. These abilities enable them to sense the vitality or virility that accompanies semen retention. They love retainers because they unconsciously sense that retainers can easily fulfill their greatest animalistic desire, making them pregnant with offspring that will survive and thrive.
Anyway, all these are just theories attempting to explain the increased female attraction that accompanies semen retention. What matters most is semen retention causes female attraction. Try retaining for at least 90 days and see what happens. What you’ll likely observe is an increase in the number of women willing to spend time with you and have sex with you. This impact will make you realize that you emitted an energy that repelled women when you masturbated regularly. For this reason, you might decide to never masturbate again.
Check out my other article: The Truth About Semen Retention and Female Attraction