Four Types of Courage We Must Practise for Us to Easily Achieve Greatness

Last Updated on September 24, 2022 by The Unbounded Thinker

On my quest for discovering the Science of Getting Rich, I realized that courage is a crucial determinant of greatness.

In addition, I realized that courage can be divided into four forms that ensure success.

1.The Courage to Implement

Most of us have reliable success plans and business ideas which we believe will make us great. However, few of us implement these plans/ideas because implementation needs courage.

The courage to implement enables us to turn plans into reality. It’s the courage we need for us to take the first step on the journey to greatness. Without this form of courage, we’ll never succeed because we’ll never start.

2.The Courage to Persevere

The second type of courage is the courage to persevere. Most of us fear obstacles and thus give up when they arrive.

Only those with the courage to persevere pursue greatness even when obstacles appear. These individuals embrace obstacles and overcome them.

3.The Courage to Take Risks

This type of courage is also necessary on the journey to greatness because people who take risks have high chances of succeeding in life. We fear taking risks because we assume that everything might go wrong. Only the courageous take risks believing that risk-taking will pay off.

4.The Courage to Step Out in Faith

I also discovered that greatness requires us to have the courage to take a step even when success is uncertain. Many great people reveal they had the courage to set a big goal and move towards it with no guarantee they’ll achieve it.

If we want greatness to knock on our doors, we must have the courage to take bold steps towards our dreams even when we are skeptical about our success.

We don’t have to be 100 % sure about our success, we just need to have faith and step into the unknown.

Thank You for Reading.

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N/B – Photography – @simplykech – +254735891691


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