Last Updated on May 29, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
I hate academic history because it’s crap. It makes us believe that we are the most intelligent civilization to ever live on this earth, and it avoids providing us with enlightening information about the highly evolved ancient civilizations that lived on earth before the Great Flood. It never mentions the Lemurians, Atlanteans, and Lumanians despite their amazing features and importance in our history.
But don’t worry, because today you’ll learn amazing facts about these civilizations.
The Lemurians were tall beings with several extra-ordinary abilities. They communicated using crystals, and embraced spiritual practices that enabled them to access the 5th dimension. They used imagination to build magnificent buildings, and they were able to live for hundreds of years because they aged slowly. On top of that, they opened their 3rd Eye, and for this reason, they used telepathy and extra-sensory perception to communicate.
On the other hand, the Lumanians were weak but brilliant people. According to Seth, they formed energy fields around their own civilization, and they avoided violence because they feared it. They built huge cities, and they had several psychic abilities. Besides the Lumanians, Seth mentions an ancient civilization that ‘could mentally pitch a thought along certain frequencies – a highly distinguished art – and then translate the thought at a given destination in any of a number of ways, into form or color, for example, or even into a type of image’ (Seth Speaks).
The Atlanteans were also a highly advanced civilization. They used crystals and sound waves for healing, and they performed astral projection into higher dimensional consciousness. They used laser technology and built elevators that were moved by compressed air. They were telepathic, and they performed telekinesis. On top of that, they could stop volcanic eruptions, and they possessed a power that enabled them to control the weather.
I firmly believe these civilizations were responsible for building magnificent ancient buildings such as pyramids, which no one including the greatest modern engineers, knows how they were built. I believe their extraordinary features enabled them to erect these buildings because, despite the technological development in the modern world, we can’t erect such buildings.
It’s hard to believe any information about advanced ancient civilizations if you’ve never known about the existence of massive ancient buildings and advanced ancient technology. You must check mystery history and ancient architects for you to realize the existence of these buildings and technologies, which historians agree were built by ancient civilizations with extra-ordinary abilities.
Hope this information will encourage you to conduct further research on ancient civilizations. Anyway, you are welcome to my facebook community; the unbounded wisdom community for insightful quotes and ideas.