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Last Updated on September 18, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
Many men on the semen retention journey claim that their physical attractiveness improves greatly when on a long streak. Most of them reveal that their skin becomes smoother and face becomes shinier.
Besides retainers, respected authors have implied that semen retention increases physical attractiveness. Eli Peck Miller, in his book, A Treatise on the Cause of Exhausted Vitality, writes, “How different is the picture presented by the boy who has kept his sexual function unimpaired. His body is firm, vigorous, and elastic; his countenance rosy and healthy; his complexion bright and clear.”
Sri Swami Sivananda, in Practice of Brahmacharya, writes, “My dear brothers! The vital energy, the Veerya that supports your life, which is the Prana of Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you.”
The relationship between physical attractiveness and semen retention was also seen in the ancient past. It is said that ancient celibate Buddhist monks were so physically attractive that their presence stimulated women to thoughts of lust. These monks were described as good-looking graceful men with a supreme beauty that radiated from their complexion.
Learning about the physical attractiveness that accompanies semen retention forced me to study why semen retention makes an individual physically attractive, and I found two reasons.
First, I found that some minerals that semen contains, such as magnesium, vitamin c, and zinc, promote healthy and glowing skin. Particularly, magnesium reduces skin inflammation, enhances skin hydration, and soothes the skin. Zinc promotes healthy, clear skin by supporting wound healing and promoting the growth of new skin cells. Vitamin C minimizes raised scar formation, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and fights toxins that come in contact with the skin.
The fact that many skin care products contain magnesium, vitamin c, or zinc, proves that these minerals help promote healthy, glowing skin.
When semen is not ejaculated, it is reabsorbed into the body’s system. Semen retention, therefore, ensures that a large quantity of semen is reabsorbed, resulting in high concentrations of the minerals that promote healthy, clear, and shiny skin.
Second, I found that semen retention promotes physical attractiveness by eliminating the stress associated with pursuing women. This impact results in inner peace or a calm mind.
A calm mind makes an individual physically attractive by reducing the production of stress hormones, which are usually linked to features of premature aging, such as loss of skin elasticity or the formation of wrinkles.
Furthermore, a calm mind ensures better cell regeneration, reduced inflammation, and improved blood circulation. As commonly understood, your outward appearance is always a reflection of your internal state. Therefore, the aforementioned internal changes reverse the aging process, resulting in a healthier skin, improved complexion, and a glowing and youthful appearance.
The impact of long-term meditation on the skin supports the fact that a calm mind makes an individual more physically attractive. Long-term meditators usually report that their skins became more radiant and less dry as their minds became calmer. This occurs because cortisol levels reduce, resulting in reduced inflammation and eventually, a healthier, more radiant and youthful-looking skin.
As you have seen, the enhanced physical attractiveness on semen retention primarily stems from a calm mind and an increased concentration of minerals that promote healthy skin. Retainers can amplify the impact of these two factors by avoiding drugs, exercising regularly, and maintaining a balanced diet.
Skeptics might dismiss the idea that semen retention makes an individual physically attractive as pseudoscience. If you are one of these skeptics, I encourage you to try retaining for a year and see the changes firsthand. The positive change in your physical appearance will surprise you.
I wish you all the best on your semen retention journey. Shalom.