is the female attraction on semen retention natural or demonic

Is the Female Attraction on Semen Retention a Demonic Attack or a Natural Occurrence?

Last Updated on August 4, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker

‘It is through the body that Satan attacks the soul which participates in the Holy Spirit.’ – The Philokalia

 ‘Because of the presence of grace, Satan can lurk no longer in the intellect of those pursuing a spiritual way, he lurks in the body and exploits its humours, so that through its proclivities he may seduce the soul.’ – The Philokalia

‘Even if you think you are with God, be on your guard against the demon of unchastity. For he is very wily and jealous : he tries to outwit the activity and watchfulness of your intellect and to draw it away from God, when it stands before Him with reverence and fear.’-The Philokalia

After my recent experience with semen retention, I cannot stop wondering whether the female attraction that occurs on semen retention is a natural phenomenon or a demonic attack. The theory that views female attraction as a natural phenomenon is based on the idea that semen retention increases the chances of impregnating a woman by increasing semen volume and total sperm count.

According to this theory, the animal self enables women to subconsciously sense the increased semen volume and sperm count of an individual who has retained his seed, resulting in attraction towards the retainer. This theory claims that women have an instinctive desire to get pregnant and they will be subconsciously attracted to men who have high chances of getting them pregnant.

Conversely, the ancient idea that female attraction is a demonic attack, claims that earth-bound satanic entities hate it when individuals detach from the body by abstaining from sex because this detachment frees them from the negative thoughts and emotions that accompany the pursuit of casual sexual encounters.

These earth-bound satanic entities usually feed off the negative energies that come from negative thoughts and emotions, and for this reason, they do not like it when individuals retain their seed and overcome the negativity associated with the pursuit of women.  

According to many ancient mystery schools, these earth-bound entities will make you relapse by causing female attraction to ensure a constant supply of negative energy, which is usually generated by the emotional and psychological turmoil associated with pursuing casual sexual encounters.

The entities make you attractive through energetic manipulation and psychic influence.

Psychic influence involves implanting thoughts into the minds of women who interact with you. These thoughts manifest as a sudden or unexplained attraction or pull towards you. This influence could also operate through creating a sense of familiarity or allure that seems to come from nowhere.

Energetic manipulation involves altering the energy field around you to enhance your attractiveness, making you appear more appealing to women on a subconscious level.

This process influences how women perceive you, often bypassing their conscious awareness. When the earthbound entities modify your energy field, women may suddenly find themselves inexplicably drawn to you by feeling a strong attraction that seems out of character.

Initially, I doubted such ancient ideas, but I am now gaining interest in them after what I experienced while on semen retention.

Recently, I realized that praying at 3 am while on semen retention increases my chances of experiencing parallel realities and out-of-body experiences that help me understand my true nature and the true nature of reality. I therefore, decided to practice semen retention for a while.

After retaining for about three weeks, a woman I just met was so attracted to me that I had to relapse. To my surprise, after the relapse, I did not experience the parallel realities and out-of-body experiences when I prayed at 3 am.

This experience has increased my interest in pondering and studying the ancient spiritual idea that claims that Satan doesn’t want individuals to grow spiritually and he always tries to prevent spiritual progress.

I reflected on my spiritual journey and I realized that the moment I make a conscious effort to grow spiritually, I encounter several challenges and temptations. It’s as if a powerful negative force, often personified as Satan, takes notice and tries to deter me because its food is the negative energy I emit when I am not on the spiritual path.

To those who doubt this concept, I understand the skepticism because I am also a skeptical individual who does not easily believe in spiritual theories. However, experiencing difficulty in attracting women when I am not retaining and suddenly attracting women when I decide to retain and focus on spiritual growth has led me to think that the idea that demons attack us when we commit to spiritual growth might hold some truth.

This experience has forced me to doubt all non-spiritual theories that attempt to explain the causes of female attraction on semen retention and it has encouraged me to focus more on the spiritual theories.

Ultimately, it has led to the realization that spiritual forces might be shaping our reality and influencing our experiences so that we generate certain energies or live in ways that align with their objectives.


“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”- Paul the Apostle

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