Last Updated on January 27, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
Recently, after watching the TV show: Power, it dawned on me that I started thinking like the main character – Ghost. I thought violent thoughts, and I wished I had a ‘bad’ girl as my spouse. This phenomenon made me realize that most of our thoughts are not ours because our thinking is mostly shaped by what we watch, the people we associate with, the books we read, and the songs we listen to.
It’s true that if you want to control people, you must control their minds because the mind influences our actions. The elite know this principle, and for this reason, they use the media to shape our thinking. They constantly pump negativity into our minds through movies, songs, and the News, making us to constantly dwell on negative thoughts and emotions.
Besides the elite, the society also shapes our thinking. For instance, we think material possessions are important because modern society believes a person’s stuff determines his or her social status.
Therefore, it’s arguable that most of the decisions you make aren’t yours because you make them based on a thinking style shaped by the society and elite. This understanding made me realize that even our shopping decisions are not ours as they are determined by advertisers. Why do you prefer Coca-Cola to Pepsi? Is it because Coca-Cola is better, or is it because you have watched too many Coca-Cola advertisements that made you believe Coca-Cola is the best drink?
We usually think we are free, but we are living on autopilot because we are thinking exactly the way the elite and society want us to think. If you want to think thoughts and take actions that align with what you truly want, you must become the master of your mind. You must make your mind work for you, and not for other people. You must determine what you think because your thoughts eventually affect your decisions and actions.
Reduce your exposure to movies, the news, and advertisements because they greatly influence how you think, and avoid thinking like the society by learning to be an independent thinker.
‘Reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.’ – Terence McKenna, American Ethnobotanist & Mystic.
Thanks for reading folks.
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