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Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
“According to classical India, women embody lust and men are inclined toward the higher and nobler pursuits of celibacy and religious practice. Women are men’s adversaries and creatures of passion who seek to satisfy their own cravings and as a result drag down men who would otherwise remain in undisturbed engagement with the path to liberation. It is commonly assumed in India that women are inherently lustful and that they derive perverse satisfaction in seducing unwilling ascetics.The Kamasütra asserts that a woman’s sexual desire is eight times greater than that of a man.Buddhaghosa exclaims, “women, you live saturated with passion!”” – John Powers, A Bull of a Man.
From time immemorial, a pervasive understanding has existed that women’s desire for sex exceeds that of men. Modern researchers are also finding that sexual desire is typically higher in women than men. For instance, a recent study by Voucher Codes Pro found that approximately 60% of women want more sex than their spouses.
The heightened desire for sex among women stems from their longing for physical intimacy. Women love cuddling, holding hands, kissing, and many other forms of physical intimacy.
The absence of physical closeness in relationships often renders women moody and resentful towards their spouses because women yearn for tangible affection. In contrast, men are not fixated on physical intimacy, and this is why we sometimes lose interest after sex.
The strong desire among women to have children implies that nature designed them with a pronounced inclination for sexual intercourse. Men, on the other hand, are not always in haste to have children, as nature fashioned them to focus on providing for their families, thereby weakening their drive for reproduction. Men can disregard everything, including matters of sex and family when pursuing their aspirations.
In the animal kingdom, male animals usually seek sex when female animals indicate the need for reproduction. For example, male dogs desire sex only when female dogs release pheromones, inducing sexual arousal among male dogs. Similarly, bulls exhibit a desire to mount cows only when they detect pheromones in cows’ urine.
Anyway, modern men’s pursuit of sex surpasses that of women due to repeated exposure to sexual stimuli. Constant arousal in men results from the sexualized portrayals of women in the media, driving men to consistently obsess over sex and channel their focus towards pursuing women.
Had modern men not been incessantly exposed to sexual stimuli, their interest in sexual intercourse could have been less pronounced.
Most importantly, they could have directed their sexual energy towards achieving goals instead of squandering it through excessive sexual activity. The resultant achievements and stored masculine energy could have compelled women to beg men for sex, driven by the desire to bear children with focused and virile men.
Practicing semen retention unveils the realization that women, indeed, desire sex more than men. Semen retention elevates masculine energy, rendering men highly attractive to women.
Women seldom yearn for sexual intercourse from most modern men due to the excessive loss of masculine energy through masturbation. This heightened loss has led men to become more feminine and less appealing to women, fostering the misconception that women are less interested in sex.
We will all know with absolute certainty that sexual desire is typically higher in women than in men when we abstain from sex for six months because women will come running when we invite them to our homes.