Last Updated on March 13, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
All human beings are highly creative. Infinite Intelligence blessed us with a powerful mind that can create beautiful art and solve all our problems. However, despite having a powerful mind, most individuals are not creative because the modern society is killing creativity by:
1.Promoting the Myth of the Starving Artist
Modern society loves promoting the idea that creative people, especially writers, painters, and musicians, earn low incomes. For this reason, there are many memes on the internet that show how artists are struggling to make ends meet. The idea of the starving artist has killed creativity since it prevents people from pursuing artistic careers. Besides, it has discouraged parents from enrolling children in art classes: therefore, killing their children’s creative abilities at an early age.
2.Encouraging School
The modern society encourages everybody to attend school despite knowing its disastrous effects on creativity. School promotes the idea of ‘one right answer,’ which kills creativity by preventing students from thinking outside the box. School also kills creativity by promoting logic and rationality.
3.Promoting the Ego
‘Creativity is a matter of receptiveness and recognition. This cannot happen if you’re convinced that the world revolves around you.’ – Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy
Today, most TV shows, movies, and songs promote the ego by making us obsessed with feelings of self-importance. These feelings make artists obsessed with pursuing glory instead of concentrating on improving their creative skills. Besides, the feelings make us too proud to be willing to learn from others even though learning boosts creativity.
4.Promoting the ‘Busy Myth’
Today, many people believe busyness is a sign of seriousness and future success. For this reason, most of us act or keep ourselves busy without realizing that busyness kills creativity as it leads to mental fatigue and results in the lack of time for mental relaxation practices such as meditation, which are essential for creativity.
Although the internet boosts creativity because it increases access to information, it has also limited creativity as it makes people look for solutions from websites instead of formulating their own solutions. Moreover, it has resulted in information overload, which hinders creativity by causing mental overload.
Besides the internet technology, many technologies limit creativity because they occupy our time and prevent us from performing creative activities such as reading, painting, writing, and singing.
6.Encouraging People to Focus on Money
Money is good because it increases our comfort levels. However, overfocusing on money forces us to work in jobs we hate, killing our creative abilities. It’s impossible to be creative when working in a job we hate because creativity requires passion and inspiration.
The above, and many other factors that modern society promotes explain why modern people are becoming less creative. We have to discourage them and embrace the factors that improve creativity because our future depends on creativity.
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