The Top Four Incredible Factors That Determine The Size of Your Dreams/Goals

Last Updated on June 17, 2022 by The Unbounded Thinker

The size of your dream greatly determines what you will achieve in life.

Small dreams ensure you achieve small things while big dreams make you achieve big things. All great achievers had big dreams.

Recently, I asked my friends and family members about their dreams, and I realized that we all have dreams but some of us have small dreams, while others have big ones.

Besides my friends, I asked many other people about their dreams, and I realized the same thing: not everybody has a big dream. I, then studied the world’s most influential people to pinpoint the things that made them dream bigger.

I also checked my dreams, my state of mind, my life experience and realized the main factors that determine the size of our dreams.

Here are they

  1. Information

Information greatly determines the size of your dream.

You will have big dreams if you read the autobiographies of successful people because you’ll realize that anyone can achieve big dreams.

Reading books that teach success will also make you have big dreams because the books will enlighten you on how to achieve big things.

People with limited information about success have small dreams because they don’t realize that great achievers were ordinary people from normal and even poor family backgrounds.

  1. Self-esteem

Self-esteem refers to your sense of personal value.

If you value yourself you’ll have big dreams and you’ll believe that you can achieve them. Besides this, you will ensure your dreams are big because you’ll believe that you deserve big things.

However, you’ll have small dreams if you have a low sense of self-worth because you’ll believe that you are unworthy of big dreams.

  1. Effort

The effort you put into your career greatly determines the size of your dream/goal. Hard workers usually believe they can achieve big dreams because action breeds faith.

Derrick Rose, the famous basketball player, once revealed that he will be Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the League because he worked so hard in his career. The massive effort he put into his career made him believe he will reach his dream.

  1. Age

When we were children we had very big dreams. For instance, I remember one of my friends, Collins Githinji, dreamt of having a football field in his living room. You think his dream was big?

I dreamt of building a house on the moon, and I was serious about it.

However, when we grew older, our dreams became smaller because we came face to face with reality. We adopted negative belief systems and limited ideologies that made us lack faith in big dreams.

My experience with dreams has enabled me to realize that we set smaller  goals when we become older because we start believing that it’s too late for us to achieve big dreams. Little do we know that we can set and achieve big dreams at an old age because people like Harry Bernstein and Gladys Burrill became successful in their 90s

Concluding Remarks

If you have big dreams, good for you. However, if you have small dreams, please start reading self-development books such as The Magic of Believing, and The Science of Getting Rich. These books will make you set big goals because they show you that it’s possible to achieve anything you want.

You will also start believing in big dreams if you work hard, and improve your self-esteem because hard work and a high self-worth will make you believe that you deserve the best.

Lastly, don’t let age make you avoid dreaming big. People have made it in their 60s, 80s, and even 90s.

Thank You So Much for Reading.

Which other factors do you believe affect the size of our dreams?


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