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Last Updated on January 12, 2025 by The Unbounded Thinker
“From old Egypt have come the fundamental esoteric and occult teachings which have so strongly influenced the philosophies of all races, nations and peoples, for several thousand years. Egypt, the home of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, was the birthplace of the Hidden Wisdom and Mystic Teachings. From her Secret Doctrine all nations have borrowed. India, Persia, Chaldea, Medea, China, Japan, Assyria, ancient Greece and Rome, and other ancient countries partook liberally at the feast of knowledge which the Hierophants and Masters of the Land of Isis so freely provided for those who came prepared to partake of the great store of Mystic and Occult Lore which the masterminds of that ancient land had gathered together”-The Kyabilion, The Three Initiates
I became interested in the sacred wisdom of Ancient Egypt after noticing its great influence on religions, secret societies, and occultists. Realizing that great ancient spiritual masters and philosophers claimed that it was a magical land filled with powerful secret knowledge also intensified my interest in ancient Egypt’s sacred wisdom. I then extensively studied ancient Egyptian wisdom, and as a result, I discovered the following teachings from this ancient magical land.
Teaching 1. God is the Hidden Spirit
According to ancient Egyptian priests, God is the hidden spirit. For this reason, no one including, spiritual beings and men can fully know God. Even those who communicate with God, cannot define God. This is because those who are governed by time cannot define that which is beyond time. While in our earthly vessels, we can only get a glimpse of God’s perfection. We will only understand God in our life after death.
Teaching 2. Man is a Unique Divine Being
Ancient Egyptian philosophy perceives man as a unique divine being because, unlike other divine beings who are confined to the spiritual realms, man can fully access both the spiritual and physical realms.
Teaching 3. How to Understand the True Nature of Reality
According to Ancient Egypt’s wisdom, true knowledge of the nature of physical reality only occurs in the spiritual world. Therefore, you must engage in practices such as lucid dreaming and astral projection, if you want to understand the true nature of reality. These practices will enable you to consciously access the spiritual world and realize that the physical world is only a reflection of the spiritual realm.
Teaching 4. How to Reach Higher States of Consciousness
Ancient Egyptian mystery schools taught that you must purify your mind, heart, and body, if you want to reach higher states of consciousness. You purify your heart by embracing love and avoiding anger, guilt, hate, and other negative emotions. You purify the mind through wisdom and by avoiding negative thoughts. You purify the body through a vegetarian diet, exercising, and avoiding intoxicants.
Teaching 5. Man is Born with a Unique Life Rhythm
In ancient Egypt, it was believed that every individual is born with a unique purpose, and when things do not unfold as they should, it is not the fault of the divine. Instead, it may be that something within you is out of alignment. Rather than blaming the divine for your struggles, it is essential to follow a path of virtue and wisdom and trust that the divine will guide you. By doing so, you will be in harmony with the natural flow of life, and others will be drawn to you.
Teaching 6. Sound is a Divine Creative Power
The ancient Egyptians believed God used sound to create the world because sound is divine and it has creative power. Therefore, the vibrations or frequencies of sound are integral to the creation and manifestation of the physical world, and man can use sound to direct his reality.
Teaching 7. The Realm of the Dead and its Importance
To the ancient Egyptians, a realm of the dead exists alongside physical reality. Several spiritual beings unknown to man, as well as the spirits of the dead, live in this realm. This realm is important to soul development because it clearly exposes the soul’s true power, which is its ability to shape reality. In this realm, thoughts and emotions immediately manifest in the very fabric of the environment, forcing individuals to confront their inner selves.