Why You Should Think Higher Thoughts

Why You Should Think Higher Thoughts

Last Updated on September 20, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

One thing I have realized is that the power of thought ensures that life paves the way for what you mostly think about. If you think about stealing, you will find yourself in situations that provide you with stealing opportunities. If you think about buying a car, you will find yourself in situations where people are talking about cars, and if you embrace success thoughts, life will bring you people who want to achieve success.

If you think life is hard and unfair, it will be unfair and hard to you, and if you believe life is good and fair, life will be good and fair to you.

The universe is governed by certain laws, and the law of attraction is one of them. According to the law of attraction, our thoughts have magnetic forces that attract what we mostly think about. Therefore, thinking higher thoughts ensures we attract joy, inner peace, love, goodness, and excellence in our life.

Even Paul, The Christian Teacher, understood the importance of thinking higher thoughts. In Philippians 4: 8 – 9, he wrote, Finally Brothers, whatever things that are true, whatever things that are honest, whatever things that are just, pure, lovely, and of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think about these things. The things you have learned, received, heard and seen. Practice these things, and the peace of God will be with you.’

What you focus on expands. Focus on the light, and darkness will disappear. When facing hardships, think higher thoughts. Remember that you live in God’s universe, which is created with love, goodness, and grace. Embrace higher thoughts. Remember the times your prayers were answered, remember God’s goodness and faithfulness, and the hardships will dissapear. Think higher thoughts: realize that you are an amazing creature created by a Higher Power for a Higher Purpose.

N/B  – Feel free to disagree or air more ideas about the topic in the comment box.

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