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Last Updated on December 31, 2018 by The Unbounded Thinker
Today, we strive to achieve an optimistic state of mind because many influential individuals advise us to be optimistic. Besides this, we practice optimism because we are aware of its advantages.
However, we quickly give up on optimism and believe it doesn’t work because of the following wrong beliefs we have about it.
We Believe:
The self-help industry has made people believe they can attract success by simply meditating on a bright future. For this reason, many individuals practice optimism without working hard, and they give up on optimism when they don’t attract success after a short period. Little do they know that optimism takes long to attract success, and it only attracts success if accompanied by hard work.
I believe the main purpose for optimism on the road to success is to enable an individual to keep working despite the number of obstacles he/she faces.
Many people believe that only good things will happen to them if they practice optimism. For this reason, they give up on optimism and believe it doesn’t work when bad things happen to them. I think motivational speakers must constantly remind people that optimism doesn’t prevent bad things from happening. Instead, it enables folks to persevere bad times as it gives them hope for a brighter future.
Most of us believe that we can immediately attain an optimistic mindset when we decide to be optimistic. We, therefore, give up on optimism when we fail to maintain a constant state of optimism after a few hours/days of practicing optimism.
We fail to realize that we must practice positivity for a long time before we attain an optimistic mindset.
If you just try to immediately attain an optimistic mindset without practice, you will fall back to pessimism. The surest way to become constantly optimistic is by working on achieving this mindset every day.
Last year, I gave up on optimism because I always succumbed to pessimism after a few minutes of trying to be optimistic. I concluded that optimism is an unreachable state of mind just because I couldn’t maintain it for an hour. I never knew that I must constantly practice positivity for me to attain an optimistic mindset.
This year, I’m trying to be optimistic by trying the ‘optimism challenge.’ In this challenge, you must avoid worry, complain, or any negative emotion for three weeks. And if you complain or entertain any negative emotions within the three weeks, you will have to start again.
According to Brian Tracy, the founder of this challenge, something good will happen if you successfully complete the challenge. I welcome you to this challenge, and please let me know if anything good happens to you after continuously staying optimistic for three weeks.
Concluding Remarks
I believe optimism is responsible for making many individuals persevere on the journey to success because it’s easier to keep working if you believe that your hard work will eventually pay.
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence – Helen Keller, American Author
It’s hard to work towards your goals with a pessimistic mindset because you will have to force yourself to work every day. Besides this, a pessimistic mindset will increase your chances of giving up because you’ll believe that your efforts won’t pay off. That being said, embrace optimism, and believe that everything will work out for the best.
You are free to add more ideas about the misconceptions about optimism in the comment box below.
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