Last Updated on February 24, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
Last week, I welcomed you in my mind by sharing my most powerful meditations. Here are more intriguing meditations I’d love to share with you.
1.Meditations on Human Beings as the Only Animals Suffering
Despite the decline of the natural world, animals are not suffering. They are still living the way they lived when they were created. On the other hand, despite our easy access to basic needs, we are the only animals suffering. This suffering is caused by our obsession with the future, over-focusing on material wealth, and the lack of trust in the universe/God/Infinite Intelligence.
2.Meditations on The Ego and Creativity
The ego constantly thinks about many things. It constantly worries about losing or gaining material possessions, dressing better than others, maintaining social status, and so on. The overthinking kills creativity because creativity only lives in a calm mind.
3.Meditations on a Higher State of Consciousness
A higher state of consciousness is any state that allows an individual to gain a deeper understanding of life, reality, and the inner-self. It results in an individual feeling that she is connected to a Higher Power and all living things. It increases an individual’s depth of perception and leads to the realization that all human beings are connected to Infinite Intelligence.
4.Meditations on Virtue
Virtue leads to an amazing life. You’ll live an amazing life if you cultivate the virtue of love because you’ll always wish the best for others. You’ll avoid temptations that can ruin your life when you cultivate self-discipline, and you’ll know how to navigate through life when you cultivate the virtue of wisdom.
5.Meditations on How the Illuminati Makes us Ignorant
The Illuminati ensures we have several TV shows to watch so that we never have the time to question our beliefs. It keeps us busy with social media and makes us focus on amassing material possessions, resulting in us not having enough time to question reality and understand our true nature.
6.Meditations on Infinite Intelligence as the Most Aware Being
The more intelligent a being is, the more aware it becomes. Human beings and mammals are more aware than insects because of their high levels of intelligence. As well, insects are more aware than bacteria because they are more intelligent.
For this reason, the most intelligent being- Infinite Intelligence- is more aware than all creatures. It’s highly aware of its existence and that of other creatures. This means it knows everything about us, including where we are, what we want, and so on.
Concluding Remarks
Always find time to think deep, and you’ll realize amazing insights that will help you in the journey of life.
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