Last Updated on January 17, 2020 by The Unbounded Thinker
After reading spiritual books and meditating on life for about five years, I discovered amazing spiritual truths that I would love to share with you.
1.Infinite Intelligence/God Works Through People
Spirits function in the physical world by possessing people. Similarly, Infinite Intelligence, which is also Spirit, functions in the physical world through people. This is why our prayers are answered through people. When we pray for a job, we get it from people, when we pray for money, we also get it from people. Infinite Intelligence never answers our prayers directly because it needs a physical body to function in the physical universe.
2.Infinite Intelligence Chooses People to Accomplish Its Mission
Study ancient societies and you’ll realize that they all had ‘God-chosen’ folks. For instance, the Arabians had Muhammad, the Kenyan Akamba had Syokimau, the Nazarenes had Jesus Christ, and the Egyptians had Hermes Trismegistus. These individuals had certain missions that Infinite Intelligence wanted them to accomplish. It used Syokimau and Muhammad as prophets, Jesus as the ‘Savior,’ and Hermes Trismegistus as the enlightener.
I don’t know the criteria The Creator uses to choose these people. However, I speculate The Creator usually chooses the humble, the generous, or the curious.
N/B – ‘Prophetess Syokimau’s death was surrounded by so many supernatural occurrences. This confirmed beyond reasonable doubts that Syokimau was not just an ordinary woman. She was an icon. A CHOSEN PROPHETESS. A Kamba leader.’ – Francis Mutunga, Syokimau – The Kenyan prophetess.
3.You’ll Live a Wonderful Life if You Build Your Inner World
Building the inner world guarantees a good life. For instance, you’ll have a good life if you become the master of your thoughts and feelings because you’ll attract whatever you want into your life. Besides, you’ll enjoy life if you raise your vibrations because you’ll experience a greater sense of inner peace, joy, hope, and love.
4.Spiritual Practices Are Important to Your Brain
‘Whether you are a staunch atheist, a reserved agnostic, or a devout believer, you are equally likely to find the effects of religion on human brains astonishing.’ – Jasmin Collier, What Religion Does to Your Brain
Spiritual practices are important to the human brain. For instance, meditation encourages the brain to produce gamma waves hence improving our creativity, concentration, and clarity levels. Moreover, fasting improves brain function, and many scientists have proved that prayer increases activity in the frontal lobe, which is the part of the brain that deals with memory and attention. Furthermore, practicing silence eradicates stress in the brain hence resulting in a feeling of relaxation.
For this reason, you can incorporate spiritual practices in your daily life even when you don’t believe in God because they are good for your brain.
5.Infinite Intelligence Needs its Creation
I used to doubt the idea that Infinite Intelligence needs its creation. However, I believed in it after meditating on nature and realizing that this intelligence is obsessed with the continuity of all living things and it thus designed mating to be irresistible. Also, the fact that it provides to all living things enlightened me that it’s obsessed with their survival and continuity. This discovery eradicated my worries as I realized that The Source of Creation treasures my survival.
Besides the above amazing truths, I believe I’ll discover more amazing spiritual truths that I’ll share with you. I hope you’ll be around.
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Thanks for reading.