Top Four Most Inspiring Truths That Will Make You Excited About Life

Last Updated on January 22, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

My desire to understand life and Infinite Intelligence/God forced me to study all the wonderful non-fiction books I stumbled upon. I then combined the knowledge from the books with my meditations and I realized some inspiring truths that made me feel excited about life. These truths made me shift from wishing I was dead to wanting the Universe to bless me with many more years.

I know you also want to know these truths. Here are they:

1.We Can Succeed If We Want to.

Studying success enlightened me that anybody who does what he loves, perseveres, works hard, and has faith can never ever fail. Most people fail because they do what they hate, give up easily, doubt their ability to succeed, and they don’t focus on one thing.

2.We Can Achieve Whatever We Want If We Have Unwavering Faith

We achieve whatever we want when we have faith because faith puts us at a higher vibrational frequency. In addition, faith enables us to easily attract our desires because it aligns our thoughts and feelings with what we want. 

3.Happiness Lies In Our Hands

We can be happy by choosing to react positively to everything that happens. For example, we can react positively when fired by realizing that we live in a world of endless opportunities.

Most of us are unhappy because we choose to react negatively to external events. We become sad or stressed when things don’t go our way instead of having a positive attitude and believing that everything will be alright.

4.Whatever Created the Universe Exists Within Us

‘Neither shall we say, Lo here! Or, Lo there! For, behold, The Kingdom of God is Within You.’ – Jesus Christ, Christian Messiah

The consciousness that created the universe, and holds the moon, stars, and sun in place exists within us. It holds our molecules together, controls all the chemical processes in our bodies, and enables us to breathe, move, and eat. We are alive because it is alive. This consciousness always wants to lead us towards a good life because its primary duty is to ensure that we self-actualize. We suffer because we haven’t internalized the fact that it exists within us and we don’t trust and let it direct our lives.


Besides these truths, there are many more inspiring truths that can make you excited about life. I’ll share with you if I discover them because I’m always happy to share my discoveries. For today, internalize these truths. I Hope they inspire you and make you excited about life.

And lastly, you are free to add the truths you have discovered about life in the comment box below.

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