What Motivational Speakers Will Never Tell You

What Motivational Speakers Will Never Tell You

Last Updated on August 19, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker

This the article’s Youtube version

I used to listen to motivational speakers and I loved and respected their teachings because they encouraged me to set big goals and work towards them. However, after contemplating life for a while, I discovered that they avoid a crucial teaching.

Motivational speakers usually advise us to embrace positive thinking and live in the moment. Despite our efforts to embrace these teachings, we become negative and we constantly worry about the future. We then believe that it is impossible to achieve a positive mindset and live in the moment. For this reason, we stop listening to them, believing that motivation does not work.

After falling sick, I realized that it is difficult to think positive thoughts despite listening to motivational speakers. It then dawned on me that maintaining a positive mindset is impossible for me because I don’t pray. I noticed that most people who stayed positive during difficult times seldom listened to motivational speakers. Their positive mindset was a by-product of prayer. It, therefore, dawned on me that motivational speakers teach the by-products of a prayerful life.

I realized that positive thinking, living in the present moment, overcoming the ego, and everything else that motivational speakers teach come easily to you when you work with the Creator by praying.

I then studied how the ancients approached life and noticed that they were happier than us. They lived in the present moment and had a positive perception of life. Everyday activities such as sun-gazing, dancing, story-telling, painting, and hunting made them happy. They never tried to be more positive or present: these factors came as a by-product of their prayerful lives.

Ancient cultures prayed at sunrise and sunset. They prayed when offering sacrifices, harvesting, planting, and eating. They prayed when bad things and good things happened. They always invited The Creator into their lives because they believed God works for the good of those who live a prayerful life.

Conversely, modern humans seldom try to connect with The Creator. For most of us, God is dead. We try to live a good life by striving to live in the moment and staying positive but fail to do so. We are unaware that we will be more positive and present when we connect with God through prayer.

Most motivational speakers will not tell you that their teachings are a by-product of prayer because they want you to rely on them. They fear that you might avoid listening to them once you realize that the secret to a positive mindset and a better life is prayer, which is free.


May the Peace that is Beyond Understanding Be with You

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