Last Updated on February 21, 2022 by The Unbounded Thinker
Recently, I discovered that most people’s prayers are ineffective. I thus meditated on prayer, studied what many great thinkers wrote about prayer, and discovered the reasons why our prayers are ineffective.
Firstly, I realized that our prayers are ineffective because our minds are never silent. Many spiritual teachers believe the Creator usually talks to us after we pray, but we never hear the message because we are always thinking about our problems, the future, the past, and so on. We can only hear the Creator’s message regarding our prayers when we silence our minds. For as Rumi said, ‘the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.’
Secondly, it dawned on me that our prayers are ineffective because our emotions and thoughts seldom align with what we pray for. For instance, we sometimes think deeply about our inability to become prosperous after praying for prosperity. Or, we sometimes continue worrying about the future despite praying to God to bless it.
The thoughts and emotions we embrace after prayer matter because we attract what we deeply think and feel. Therefore, it’s difficult for our prayers to be answered if our thoughts and feelings align with what we don’t want.
Thirdly, our prayers are ineffective because we make decisions and take actions that don’t align with what we’ve prayed for. For instance, after praying for riches, most of us embrace laziness and make decisions that lead to poverty. As well, we avoid taking risks, and fear taking the path that leads to riches despite fasting and praying hard for riches.
Fourthly, our prayers are ineffective because we are never alert for answers. After praying for something, most of us either forget about the prayer or focus on why the prayer is not getting answered. From my research on prayer, I learned that spiritual masters are usually alert for answers after praying. They constantly analyze their experiences since they believe they’ll find the answers to their prayers in their experiences.
In conclusion, although I believe action is bigger than prayer, I also believe prayer works because the Creator is a conscious being that can hear and answer our prayers. Moreover, the fact that many ancient cultures believed in prayer – despite living far away from each other – makes me believe that prayer works. Therefore, I think most of our prayers are ineffective because we haven’t mastered the art of prayer.
Anyway, I believe these are not the only reasons for ineffective prayers. You are free to provide more reasons in the comment box below.
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