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Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
Mordern society has a sex addiction problem. We think about sex most of the time and we focus on keeping our partners sexually satisfied. Many men want to have sex all the time and they consider themselves alpha males when they have sex with several women. Women do not value their virginity anymore and they are willing to have multiple sexual partners because they are also obsessed with sex.
Many men and women are embracing compulsive sexual behavior because sex is overrated and they are ignorant of the many side effects of sex addiction.
Sex addiction wastes your time. When I was obsessed with sex, I believed sex was the most important thing, as the media portrays. Thus, I focused excessively on getting laid. I used my free time to read books and watch videos that help men attract women easily. I watched pornography every day searching for sexual techniques that could lead to multiple orgasms. I seldom used my precious free time to learn new skills and commit to my goals. All I wanted was sexual intercourse; I wasted a lot of time before realizing that my obsessive desire to get laid impeded my progress.
Sex addiction encourages men to chase women, transforming them into simps. This desire leads to constant conflicts between men and their spouses, making it difficult for them to attain mental calmness or focus on their job/work responsibilities. Besides, it leads to excessive masturbation, which increases the chances of cognitive impairement in men.
For as David Baldwin in, Why You Should Never Masturbate, writes, “When semen drains out of the body, it depletes the key elements from the brain, which can cause various problems like headache, reduced thinking abilities, recall abilities, forgetfulness, lowered ability to concentrate, unable to focus for long, getting mentally tired or impatient quickly, etc.”
Anyway, sex addiction is also detrimental to women. Women obsessed with sex – like men – become vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases. They excessively focus on improving their bodily appearance and spend most of their money on cosmetics. These women will never maintain a long-term relationship because they cannot attain sexual satisfaction with one partner. Their relationships will always be rocky because they get bored with their boyfriends or husbands quickly. They will always desire –consciously or unconsciously – to have different sexual experiences with several men. Too much sex then results in premature aging and loss of beauty.
All evil secret societies promote sex addiction through the media. They know excessive sexual intercourse will prevent spiritual growth by reinforcing your animal consciousness. These secret societies also know this: ‘the vital sexual energy is what creates life – literally. When you expel this vital sexual energy in short-term sexual acts, you do not allow the life energy to build inside of yourself. When you do not participate in short-term sexual relationships, you allow this tremendous energy to build within you and give you incredible vitality and inner life.’ – Victor Pride
We must try to overcome compulsive sexual behavior by avoiding pornography and music videos and films that encourage irresponsible sexual behavior. We must als study the side-effects of compulsive sexual behavior and strive to experience the bliss of celibacy. And most importantly, we must realize that the pathway to spiritual union with the Divine is to respect our bodies by overcoming sex addiction.
I am on a semen retention/sexual abstinence journey, and I am enjoying it. Life seems exciting and more spiritual. I feel more connected to Source Energy/God and I seldom experience the anxiety and stress accompanying sex addiction.