Last Updated on August 8, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker
Many ancient cultures, such as ancient Americans, Africans, and Europeans, practiced virgin sacrifice. They offered virgins to spirits when they faced existential threats or sought extra-ordinary divine intervention.
Just before the virgins were sacrificed, they were dressed in beautiful attires that symbolized a special gift. The garments were beautifully designed to convey the importance of virgin sacrifice, each thread and ornament representing the sacredness of the offering.
According to many scholars, virgin sacrifices symbolized renewal and rebirth, representing a culture’s hope for rejuvenation and perpetual prosperity. This idea is founded on the ancient belief that the untarnished essence of virgins could be transferred to land or society and ensure revitalization.
Although this idea seems sensible, I do not support it. Reading and contemplating ancient spirituality for over a decade has enabled me to realize that virgins were mainly sacrificed due to the belief that their energy was pure, and therefore, powerful.
The ancients believed virgins had pure spiritual energy because not having sex meant that they had not absorbed other people’s energies. According to many ancient mystery schools, sex involves the exchange of energies since it is an act of oneness that weakens the auric boundaries. This energy exchange prevents spiritual purity by ensuring that individuals take impure energies from unspiritual partners. Virgins were therefore considered to be pure since their abstinence ensured that they did not take impure energies from unspiritual individuals.
Their pure spiritual energy was believed to be so powerful that it enabled spirits to easily materialize in the physical realm and stay in material form for a longer period. This impact was thought to enhance the spirits’ ability to grant people’s wishes by endowing them with greater power to influence physical events.
According to ancient mystery schools, many spiritual beings are eager to experience physical reality. For this reason, they are obsessed with blood sacrifices because the energy released from the offerings enable them to materialize in the physical world. However, they mostly prefer virgin offerings since a virgin’s pure spiritual energy creates a more stable and potent bridge that allows them to easily cross over into the material realm and maintain their influence for longer periods.
Furthermore, the ancients believed the pure energy released from virgin offerings cleansed and protected them from evil forces. By releasing the purest and most powerful form of energy through sacrifices, it was thought that negative energies or evil spirits could be warded off because their impure energies were incompatible with this energy.
Moreover, the practice of virgin sacrifice was founded on the belief that a virgin’s blood was pure. Blood, regarded as the physical manifestation of the life-force energy essential for the body’s survival, made rituals effective. Therefore, a virgin’s blood, which was believed to be pure and powerful, amplified a ritual’s power, making it highly effective in summoning or communicating with spirits.
In conclusion, the sacrificial offering of virgins to gods or spirits was founded on the ancient belief that sexual purity was synonymous with pure powerful spiritual energy that could amplify the efficacy of rituals and enable spirits or gods to easily access the material realm and manifest their will.